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I slump back into my seat. He doesn't remember me...
He looks at me apologetically. I stare at him through the tears.
"Hey now, don't—..." he sighs. "Don't cry. I'm sorry."
I reach out to touch his hand. My fingers just slightly brush against the top of his hand, and his eyes immediately lock onto mine.
He doesn't remember me...
His pupils grew larger for only a few seconds, before he blinked it away. I felt a piece of my heart reclaim its place and connect to another.
He pulls his hand back, holding it in his other hand.
I stand up from my chair, tears streaming down my face.
He doesn't remember me...
I turn and walk to the door.
"Wait," He says. I stop and I look back at him. "What's your name...?"
The pieces of my heart that fit back together in those last few moments had fell back down.
I shook my head and a sob escaped my lips.
He doesn't remember me...
But I know it's not his fault... but I can't help but hurt... and ache...
"My name is (Y/N)." I pass the nurse, who puts her hand on my shoulder.
"We'll help him remember." She whispers.
"(Y/N)..." I hear him say to himself.

Tears flow more violently as my body shakes as sobs rack through me. As soon as I leave the room, I'm running.
He doesn't remember me...
I crash through the waiting room doors, passed Janna and the band, who all stand and run after me, all except for Woody, who jogs back towards the way I came from.
He doesn't remember me...
It's been weeks since the attack. I've been getting calls from the hospital, and Janna, and Kyle. But I've ignored all of them. I don't want to talk to anyone right now.
I just want to be alone.

Falling in Love With Dan SmithWhere stories live. Discover now