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~Dan's POV~
Hope's been screaming and crying for hours. We had been told we had to keep her in the hospital for the first few weeks just to make sure that she had no lung problems. Thankfully she doesn't. The whole problem with the instant she was born was, while in the last few hours of being in the womb, her sinuses secreted a thick foamy mucus and it had dried just higher than her nostrils.
When we could finally take her home, we were so happy.
But she's been screaming since we walked through our front door.

I walk around the living room with Hope, who's red-faced and screaming. I'm holding her in the crook of my arm and I'm bouncing her, patting her little diaper-padded bum.
My hair is a mess, and my head hurts.
(Y/N) has been laying in our bedroom for the last hour.
Kyle comes walking out, a hand to his forehead.
"She's still squawking...? What's you do to her?" He groans.
I roll my eyes.
"Nothing. I've been trying to get her to stop screaming since we got here."
Kyle rolls his eyes and holds his hands out for the baby.
I hesitantly hand her over to him.
Kyle holds the baby against his chest and he pats her back.
Before I go to question him, I realise.
Hope vomits all over Kyle's neck and chest.
I hold back a giggle.
I've already failed as a parent. I don't know what I'm doing.
Kyle hands her back to me, a look that's a combination of disgust and pride on his face. He waddles away to clean himself.

I walk into the bedroom to a sleeping (Y/N). I creep into the bedroom and I slide under the covers, squeezing my eyes shut as I hear her soft, sleepy voice.
"Mmm. Dan?"
I smile apologetically and I slide myself all the way under the covers, laying on my side and facing her.
"Yes, darling?" I whisper, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. She smiles, turning her cheek into my hand and kissing my palm.
"I love you," she coos.
"I love you too, (Y/N). So much."

Just as we both drift off to sleep, Hope begins to scream and cry from her crib in the corner of our bedroom.
We both open our eyes.
"I got it," I say, heaving myself up and flicking on a lamp.

A/N: HERE COMES THE TWIST, I'm so sorry to those who hate these kinds of endings, tbh I hate them too but I wanted to do it because it seemed like a fun ending I guess. Enjoy!

I wake with a start, to the sound of my cellphone ringing under my pillow.
I jolt myself up, pulling a muscle in my neck.
"Ah! Fuck!" I hit the call button.
"Hey Dan! Danny boy! Danny-O!" Kyle's voice rings through. I look at the time.
"Kyle, you know it's like 9:00, right? It's still dark out, mate!" I groan.
"Yeah, but it's Woody's anniversary, and we all planned on going out for drinks, remember?"
I blink my eyes. That's tonight?
"Er, Yeah. Yeah I remember. I'll be ready in a few."
"Kay. Bar closes at 11."
The call ends there. I heave myself up.

Why am I having these dreams lately?
I meet this girl, I end up falling for her, we nearly get married, I get attacked and I lose my memory, then I remember everything and I go running to that girls house and we have a baby...? Her name was (Y/N). Every night for the last week I've been having these strange dreams. And it all feels so real. But then I wake up and everything is... back to the way it was.
Kyle thinks I've finally lost my shit completely.
My question is, how can you lose something you never had to begin with?

Dressed and mentally prepared for the insane drinking games we're about to go out and play, I hear pounding on my door. I jog from my bathroom and I open the door to reveal a spastic Kyle, an excited Woody, and an already slightly drunk Will.
I chuckle and roll my eyes as Kyle offers me his arm and says, 'malady,'.
I do a curtsy and I take his arm.
"Wha thank you mr Simmons.'' I said, in my highest, western lady voice I could muster.

Just as we come to he stairs to the bottom floor, I hear a struggle. Not a fight, but like... somebody carrying a grand piano by themselves up some steps.
I step closer, as do the rest of the guys, and just as I hear a yelp, I instinctively reach out and grab onto the first thing I can. I pull the person up.
Deja Vu?
"Mmm. Thanks..." The woman looks into my eyes and looks slightly dazed.
Realisation hits me.
This is (Y/N). From my dream. This exact thing happened. I hear Kyle quietly gasp from behind me.

I look down at her and I smile.
"You're welcome. Er... What's your name? I'm Dan."
She smiles and blushes slightly.
"I'm um... I'm (Y/N)..." she whispers.
I reach out my hand to shake hers, and she does the same, dropping a bag. She swears to herself and bends down to pick it up.
"No no no," I say, bending down.
"Let me get that for you."


I feel so strange having this come to an end. I almost don't know what to think or do. I don't even really know what to say as a 'sign off'.
This was an amazing journey. Thank you all for being here with me and for enjoying the ride.

I honestly don't know what to write after this. So, feel free to blast me some.

Even though you were only in Dans dream, he loves you anyways. His dream led him to you. He fell in love with a dream, and that dream became a reality.

From the very beginning, we all felt like it was love at first sight. So did Dan.
Technically it was. But he had already gotten to know you.

Have you ever fell in love, in your dreams?

Falling in Love With Dan SmithWhere stories live. Discover now