15-Dan's POV

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Almost two years have passed since I met (Y/N)... it's been a hell of a time. We've had so many great adventures and we've had the most wonderful time a couple could have.
She seems much happier than she used to be. She hasn't cut in over a year and a half, which is mad. I'm so proud of her.
Kyle has gotten a wee bit fat since we got him. He's not overly fat, but he's a little pouchy. He's our big handsome kitty.
(Y/N) and I became public just a few months after we got together. We'd stayed hidden for so long out of fear everyone would go mad. But they didn't. They supported us and we even sometimes get gifts with us drawn together.

I wake up to the sound of sobbing coming from my bathroom. And the bed that I share is empty. I look at the clock. 3:00AM...?
I jump off the bed in a panic and I rush to the bathroom and open the door gently. There she sat, on her knees, doubled over the toilet in pain.
I crouch beside her, resting my hand on her back.
"Baby...? You sick again...?" I ask quietly.
She's been throwing up for about a week now. I've been worried she caught the flu at one of the shows.
She nods, turning to look at me before thrashing her head back to vomit again. She lets out a cry.
"Why won't it stop...? Dan, please... make it stop...?" She pleads, snot and vomit and tears running down her face.
"You want a cold towel?" I ask, standing.
She nods, resting her forehead against the toilet seat.
I leave the room and run down the hall, nearly slamming into Kyle as he comes walking out of his room, rubbing his eyes.
"Sorry mate" I apologize.
"She out of sorts again?" He asked, looking at me in concern.
"Yeah," I say, wetting a washcloth. "It's been a week. Shouldn't it have gone off by now?" I walk past Kyle to my room.
"Dan, wait." Kyle says, in a whisper.
I worriedly glance towards the sound of crying and vomiting.
"Dan, when's the last time you guys... You know..." He pulled a face.
My eyes widen.
"You don't think she's...?"
"Maybe. You guys have to talk about it. Figure out what you're going to do." He says.
I nod.
"There's no question to what I'm going to do about it." I say, turning and walking into the room quickly and into the bathroom.
"It's been a minute?" I asked. She nodded. She hasn't puked in about a minute, which means it's over. For today.
I place the washcloth in my mouth and I scoop her up into my arms and carry her over to the bed, laying her down gently. I leave her uncovered and I place the cloth over her forehead and eyes. I place my hand on top of hers and I hear her wheeze. My heart drops at the sound.
Kyle walks in with a bottle of water and one white pill.
"Have her take this. It'll help with the vomiting and the fever. Should help with the aching too." He said quietly, smiling at her sympathetically before turning to leave.
"Thanks," I whisper.
Kyle smiles.

In the morning, me and (Y/N) discuss the idea of pregnancy and she becomes very distant. She looks sad and scared. Her voice is soft and quiet.

We drive down to the shop for a pregnancy test, and we both walk down the aisle together to grab one. I hold her hand the entire time.

We pay for the little pink and blue box and we drive back home.

She's been in there for ages... I mean, I understand. The idea of her being pregnant scares me, too. I'm more afraid of losing her than I am of being a father. I really wouldn't mind being a dad. We have enough money for me to slow down the band and buy a house for the three of us.

I slump down the bathroom door and I sit there with my back against it. I'm terrified. I bite my nails, and my pinky starts to bleed. Fuck.
I run my hands through my hair and I continue to sit and wait.

She finally opens the door and I shoot up from my place on her floor and I stand back. She steps out of the bathroom, holding the test between her fingers.
She's crying.
She won't look at me.

Falling in Love With Dan SmithWhere stories live. Discover now