5 - His POV

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I woke up with my glasses smushed up against the side of my face, and my arm dead. I was in a weird-ass position, on my stomach, my feet on my pillows, one leg crossed over the other, one arm under me and one arm on my back.
I slept horribly last night. Which isn't anything new. I can't remember the last time I had a full nights sleep. I take power naps throughout the day. At least two, in between shows.

I get out of bed, still holding my phone. It's dead. Great.
I plug it in, and pull my shirt over my head, kicking off my skinny jeans and boxers. I walk towards the shower and turn the water on to the point where I like it. Hot, but not too hot. Enough to make my skin tingle.
I wet my hair and look around for the shampoo. Yay. There isn't any. Well fuck me then, I guess.

After a half hour of just standing there under the hot water, I grab the towel and step out to dry off.
As I wrap the towel around my waist and run gel through my hair, my phone pings, signaling that it's on.
I waltz over, picking it up.
A message from (Y/N).
Y/N: gmorning
I smile down at my phone and begin typing.
ME: Morning :) I'm gonna be kind of busy tday, so I'll text you when I can. Might be around late.
I sigh, clicking my phone off. I know, I just met her yesterday, but... Something about her has been buzzing around in my mind. I can't stop thinking about her.
I decide to shrug it off and get dressed.
Today, we play in New York.

I pack up my bag and phone, and head out the door. It's 9:15. The boys are probably already up, and downstairs eating breakfast. I should head on down.
I stop halfway down the stairs to check my phone. It's her again.
Y/N: Weird question, but is breakfast still on or am I too late?
I smile slightly.
ME: It's still on. I'm heading down there now. You coming down? If you miss it, I'll save you something and bring it up. What do you like?
Y/N: I'll probably make it in time. If I don't, a blueberry muffin and some apple juice. Thanks :)
ME: np. And don't fall down the stairs and die this time
Y/N: no promises lol
I put my phone away and shake my head, smiling. I hop down the stairs and walk into the food parlor. Kyle, Will and Woody are crowded around a booth, shoveling food in their mouths.
"Good, mates?" I say, grabbing myself some pancakes and coffee. I stick an apple in my mouth and walk over to the booth, sitting.
"Pancakes without syrup? I could drink syrup all day." Kyle says, his mouth full of food.
"Same. I could marry it." Woody laughed, taking a swig of his tea.
"I'd bathe in it." Will said, staring at all of us seriously.
A silence falls. Kyle is the one to start laughing first, and then all of us lose it.
"What? I would!" Will says, looking offended.
Kyle points at him.
"That's not healthy."
Wills eyes widen and he flaps his hands.

Just in that moment, Y/N comes out of the elevator, and it's almost like time stops. I look over and stare. I can't help it. She's beautiful. She's wearing black leggings and a white tank top, with black converse. She's got a red flannel jacket tied around her waist, and a leather gauntlet on one arm, going up to the middle of her forearm.
Kyle elbows me, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Shut up." I say, rolling my eyes.
"Hey, Y/N!" I say, catching her attention, and waving her over. She grabs her muffin and her juice and walks over. I pull a chair from an empty table and drag it over so she can sit with us.
"Hey Dan. How'd you sleep?" She asked.
"Good." I lied. "You?"
"Same." She smiled.

"And this is Kyle," I pointed. "Will, and Woody. My friends."
"Nice to meet you all." She smiled at each of them.
"I'm Y/N."
"How did you two meet?" Kyle blurted.
I could see her cheeks turning red.
"We just... kinda bumped into each other and exchanged numbers." I said. She seemed like the shy type, so I figured she wouldn't like it if I said that she nearly fell down a flight of stairs.

"Yup." She smiled at me. Her eyes were saying 'thank you'.

After breakfast, we all said goodbye and me and the boys headed to the tour bus to get to the show.

We walk into the venue and I stand up on the stage, looking out. It's empty, except for a few people. My phone buzzes in my pocket.
Y/N: You're here for the concert, too?
I wince.
ME: Oh yeah. I didn't know that you were coming.
Y/N: yeah. My friend dragged me here. Your song, 'oblivion' is my favorite.
I look out into the venue and see her standing there, smiling up at me.
'Oblivion', huh? I thought to myself.
I'll keep that in mind.

A/N: super cliche beginning to a 'love story'. But hey. It's just a story. Why not make it as dumb and as cheesy as physically possible? XD

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