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I've been sleeping in the guest room for the last few nights. I remember everything about our relationship and the lives we've lived together, but I feel like... I need to give (Y/N) some time to adjust to the sudden impact of me being back to normal again. I don't know how she's taking it, and she won't exactly talk to me as much as she used to.
I awake the third night to the sound of whimpering in the room above me.
I quietly make my way upstairs, and I stand behind her door, listening.
She's having a nightmare. She used to have those all the time when I was gone to do shows.

~Kyle's POV~
I hear footsteps padding up the steps, and I suspect it's Dan. He's done the same thing the past two nights, coming up and listening to her crying and whimpering.
I sneak out of my bed, and I make my way to my bedroom door, creaking it open to find a half-asleep, teary-eyes Dan with his forehead against her door, his hand pressed against it beside his face.
"Dan," I whisper, making him jump.
"I feel so bad. I should be in there. With her. Holding her. I should be getting her a glass of that fruit punch stuff she likes, and a bowl of chips. I should be... there. For her."
"But you're not," I whisper.
He nods.
"I know. I'm such a failure. She deserves better than me. I'm so—"
I hold up my hand to stop him.
"Dude. I meant you're literally not there for her. Just open the door and go in, for fucks sake. Remember who you are, and go in there."
He gives a weak smile, his eyes sparkling. He gently opens the door and walks in, leaving the door open a crack.
I smile and I go downstairs for a bite to eat.

~Your POV~
She's on top of him, kissing him, nipping at his skin. His eyes are wide and his body unmoving. She climbs off of him, revealing a growing stain of blood under him, spreading through the seams in the sheets.
I step forward to help him, but a knife collided with my chest and I slump to the floor.

~Dan's POV~
I creep into her room, and I make my way to her bed quietly. I sit beside her, the bed dimming under my weight. I run my hand over her cheek.
She looks so afraid. I've learned over the years that the best way to wake her from a nightmare isn't to just shake her or say her name.
I caress her face, her eyes relaxing slowly. I run patterns into the back of her hand, and I hold it up to my lips, pressing a kiss into her hand.
She doesn't wake up. Instead, all fear seems to subside, and she relaxes completely. She stirs in her sleep, a hint of a smile creeping across her lips. She squeezes my hand gently, which makes me smile. I remember doing this for her. Staying awake until I knew for sure that she was no longer afraid in the land of dreams.

After a few minutes, I have a tingling feeling in my stomach, making me giddy. She's just so cute. So innocent in her sleep.
I lay down beside her, still holding her hand in mine, and I slid under the duvet, my legs touching hers. The sudden contact scares me, but she cuddles closer to me, placing a hand on my chest, and the other under her head.
The giddiness goes away, and is instead replaced with the feeling of warmth, and pure bliss. Contentment.
I wrap my arms around her and I press my forehead to hers, smiling.
It didn't take long for me to drift off to sleep. She's just so warm.

~Kyle's POV~
I walk upstairs with my coke and Doritos in hand, and I decide to check on Dan and (Y/N), just to see how they're doing.
I peek through the door, hooking my finger around the handle and pushing open a few inches.
Dan and (Y/N) are sound asleep, and Dan is smiling. His arms are wrapped around her, and she's curled against him.
I have no fear for the future.
I smiled, closed the door and went back into my room, shutting the door behind me.
~3rd Person~
(Y/N) wakes first, to the sight of Dan peacefully sleeping beside her. She smiles. Going to sit up, she feels an arm pull her closer and deeper into the mattress.
"Mmmmmm, noooooo... not ready yeeeettttt," Dan grumbles, pulling her closer and snuggling his face between her breasts.
She lets out an irritated sigh, then a giggle.
He quickly sits up and looks dazed, his hair sticking up in every direction possible.
His eyes take a second or two to adjust.
"Oh. Hello." He smiles sleepily.
"Hi again, Snuggles!" She winks.
"Thas MISSER SNUGGLES TO YOUUUU, missyyyyy!" He says, beginning to lower himself back down so he can snuggle more.
She rolls her eyes.
"Fine, misser Snuggles. When did you get in here?" She asks.
At the words 'misser snuggles', Dan erupts into a sleepy, hysterical giggling fit.
Dan has started to wake up more, and can now properly blink without giggling. (Y/N) asks the same question again.
"So, when did you get in here last night?"
Dan shrugs. "I've been hearing you having nightmares since I came back home, and Ky finally told me to man up and walk in, and then I sat... there," he pointed. "And I kissed your hand and I laid beside you until I was sure you were okay and I fell asleep cus you snuggled me and you were warm so yeah!"
So, he's obviously still pretty sleepy.
Then, an idea blooms in her mind.
"Hey! You wanna go get some bagels from Maccas?" She winks.
Suddenly his eyes widen, but he still looks a little loopy.
"Bagels?" He says, a little too loud.
She nods, hopping out of the bed, Dan tries to follow, but slams into the floor.
(Y/N) turns around worriedly and begins to walk to him to help him up; but instead his head shoots up, a grin on his face. She raises an eyebrow and turns back around, walking to the door.
She hears a strange sound, like shoes squeaking on a clean floor. She looks back again, to see Dan inchworming across the floor towards her.
"What. Are. You doing?" She asks.
"I'm lazy, you know this."
She rolls her eyes and smiles, turning and walking out the door.
~Dan's POV~
We've been driving for a few minutes. The guys had told us that they wanted the same thing we all get for breakfast there. Steak Egg and Cheese Bagels, with extra cheese.
As we pull into the drive thru, I look down at (y/n)'s belly and I realize just how pregnant she really is. We're at least 7 months in, now.
"Hello, welcome to McDonalds, what can I get for you?" The woman on the other side says.
I look over at (Y/N), with a smile. She smiles back.
"Yeah, hi. I'd like six SE&C Bagels, please." I said. I could feel her eyes on me.
"Six?" The woman asked.
I nod.
"Alrighty. £17.70, second window."
We pull off, and I pull my card out of my wallet, looking at (Y/N).
"Six? You eating two today?" She smiles.
I shake my head.
"Nope. You are."
Her eyes widen. She shakes her head.
"I don't think I could eat two! Just a few weeks back, I could barely even finish one!"
I grin. "Trust me, you'll wish you had a couple more." I wink. She rolls her eyes and smiles, trying to hide it. Of course, it slips through anyways. She's so adorable and awkward. I love it. I love her.

We walk into the house, holding a bag each.
"Boys!" I shout as I kick the door shut behind me, dropping the keys on the table.
I hear multiple pairs of feet bounding down the steps.
Kyle comes running up to me, his arms outstretched.
"YAY!" He jams his hand into one bag and pulls out his breakfast. "Thanks dad," he trots away from me and (Y/N), holding his wrapped food in the air triumphantly.
I roll my eyes and Will and Wood come around the corner. I take out their food and I toss t to them, and they both catch it with ease. We've practiced, don't judge.
Me and (y/n) go upstairs to eat our food in peace.

We both finish our food and she looks at me, wide-eyed.  I smile and raise an eyebrow.
"Er, hello there?" I wipe my mouth on my sleeve. Those things are greasy as all hell.
"How did you know?"
"About the Bagels?" I ask. She nods.
"Well, my love has a bun in the oven. Pregnancy leads to loads of hunger." I pause, trying to come up with a joke of some sort to ease the seriousness in the air.
"Oh. And besides. We've gotta teach him-or her- to like these things one way or another. By the time they're able to chew solid foods safely, we'll fatten 'em up with these things so we can eat them."
She raises both brows.
"You know... eating your child isn't exactly a normal thing to do." She says.
"I know. But we aren't exactly normal. We're weird. We're a bunch of weirdos!"
She smirks.

I smile at her. There's so much about her that's just so wonderfully strange and odd. All the scars on her body, all the things she hates about herself, all her breakdowns, her random chattiness at 2am, the way her cheeks turn red when I tell her I love her, and the way she looks at me. The way she cares about everyone else, putting them first. I love her. All of her. I always will. Always. For the rest of my life.

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