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they stopped looking up to a house—no scratch that it's a freaking mansion

"i didn't know that jihoon is this rich to even afford this house" soonyoung said, amazement all over his pretty face

wonwoo nodded and pressed the doorbell, they waited until a boy with a mullet comes out

"who are you?"

the boy asked, and then another boy come out of the gate, eyes wide open when he saw the two boys outside

"jeonghan hyung?" wonwoo and soonyoung said in chorus

"wonu! soonyoungie! it's been a long time since i saw the both of you, you look so damn fine!" the pretty boy pointed out

"hyung who are they?" the other boy asked

"vernon, this is wonwoo and soonyoung they are my friends back in busan"

"oh! hello, im hansol, but you can call me, vernon"

the two bestfriends bowed and greeted back

"uh, hyung? we are looking for mingyu and jihoon" wonwoo asked

"oh they both went out, i dont know where they went"

"that's okay, we'll come back next time"

"here take this, it's supposed to be mingyu's and jihoon's but you can have it"

soonyoung said, giving the drinks to jeonghan and vernon

they bid their goodbyes and the fox-eyed man and the non-eyed man walked away

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