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days came by faster than hoshi thought, it's already saturday the day when he and woozi will meet

he woke up by the alarm ringing wildly, he ruffles his black hair and did his routine

he finished bathing at 10:40, he still have time to do his face

he went to his closet and found a buttondown blue longsleeve and black bottom, and he partnered it with black vans

he went to his closet and found a buttondown blue longsleeve and black bottom, and he partnered it with black vans

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(and i know his blonde but idc he looked so good in here. i love dawn is hotter than day aAaaAaa)

he put a little bit of eyeliner and puffed some powder

when his all dolled up it's already 11:50, his late and he knows but he called it fashionably late

he ride his car and drove to the said location

the ride is pretty fun, he sang along with chris brown's song and his favorite which is privacy he was planning to make a chreography about it with his good friend dino

as the song ended, he's already at the restaurant

he texted woozi that he's here and where is he seated

woozi replied saying he's at the back near the window

hoshi went there and saw the back of the blonde boy


the boy turned around and if you listen closely you'll hear his heart break in two again

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