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"so this is finally goodbye hyungs?" seokmin asked while crying


"guys we're only leaving for 4 years, no need to cry" wonwoo assured the crying pig and horse—seungkwan and seokmin

"bi—bijj hug me—me!?" soonyoung exclaimed and hugged tightly his two friends

"soo—soonyoung hyung, we—we'll miss you" seokmin and seungkwan whimpered

"you—you too won—wonu hyung!!" the two said and pulled wonwoo to join the hug

"calling all the people from flight 209 to spain is now boarding, please head to the plane now thank you"  the woman announced

"we're going now, bijjes hope to not see you anymore" wonu joked trying to light up the atmosphere

seokmin slightly punched him on the arm and said their goodbyes

the two heartbroken boys headed to the plane pulling their trolley

"bye bijjes!!! call us when you have time!!!" seokmin and seungkwan yelled while waving their hand and wiping their tears stained eyes

soonyoung looked and waved back, followed by wonwoo

'this the start of a new life' the two boys thought

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