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sorry for the short last chapter ;-; im at the bus that day sooooo i had no energy to think of anything to write, so here's an update again (im still at the bus tho)


jihoon walked to the bus station, and plugged in his earphones

he sat at the nearby window, the bus is empty afterall it's already past midnight

he got off the bus after 20 mijutes or so, and walked into his favorite restaurant that is owned by his good friend, jeonghan

he entered the restaurant and get himself a table at the back

"hey, welcome to 'angel1004' may i take your order?"

jihoon nodded and stated the food he wanted, the waiter bow down and walked away

while waiting he opened his phone and played helix jump

(im obsessed with helix jump uwu!!!)

a message popped up indicating someone messaged him, he opened it and a picture of himself covered his screen

2:45 am

❝hyung, here's your photos❞

❝mingyu sent an attachment.❞

❝have you received it?❞

❝my phone's acting up, i think i need a new one❞

❝im with allyza btw❞

❝hey, yeah already received it, thanks❞

❝im at jeonghan-hyung's restaurant❞

❝that's sad, i think so too❞


❝yes dumbass, where could it be?❞

❝i should get me and allyza there❞

❝that would be cool❞

❝i don't care❞

❝my food is here, byee!❞

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