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but the older just shrugged and continue getting the chocolate in the fridge

"soonyoung please, just give me a chance"

the older faced the younger, shocked or more of mocking, plastered on his face

"give me a chance?"

"well good for you for admitting your mistakes, but don't expect me to just accept you with open arms, cause that's not gonna happen"

soonyoung is more than furious now, he's emotions and headache all at once and it's making him so weak

"you're hopeless soonyoung! you just kept on repeating the past, why can't you just forget it!"

"don't act like you never did anything wrong!"

'don't act like you never did anything wrong'

'don't act like you never did anything wrong'

'don't act like you never did anything wrong'

just that sentence, soonyoung can feel his world is crumbling again

soonyoung is shaking, his plam balled into fist, face red and eyes are welled up with tears

"how many times....do i have to pay for that one mistake?" soonyoung tried to state that calmly before his knees wobbled and he fell to the floor

"i'm always losing"

"can't take it"


he said quietly

he firmly holds the counter top and helped himself up

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