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"soonyoung buy me this!"

"that too!"

"oh gosh, we cannot forget those!"

"and this!"

jihoon said while putting some snacks to their cart

it's sunday, so he's staying at soonyoung's today, and according to him they'll need alot of food

and they're going to celebrate jihoon's achievement, he got 90% to all of his tests

"baby, get the things you only need. we don't need alot of foods"

"but soonyoung! you don't need those, but i do!" jihoon grumbled and head to the cashier

soonyoung couldn't do but to sigh and pay the things they bought

he carried all 3 bags, 2 bags because jihoon went shopping and 1 to the groceries

he put it inside his car's trunk and open the shotgun sit for jihoon and he went to the drivers shit and head off to his apartment

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