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the book signing went well

it almost ending, the only thing left to do is signing the book

he did well all throughout the event, he spoke well, full of inspiration, determination, passion, and love

junhui gave him his tumbler and the fox-eyed man drank it, he said thanks and sat on his chair

people line up, everyone's excited to get their book signed up

hours had past and wonwoo is already halfway through the people

"next" minghao signalled

the fancy looking girl, hopped until she's infront of wonwoo

"annyeong" she greeted, awkwardly

her accent does tell that she's not korean

"hello, how are you?" wonwoo asked with a smile plastered onto his beautiful face

"hello, omayghad i don't know what to say, gaaah!!!!" she whispered shout to herself

wonwoo chuckled at the sight

"i'll take that as 'i'm fine'"

"what's your name?" wonwoo asked as he signalled the girl to give the book to him

"my name's ally, omAaaygHahsh!?!!"

he smiled at her




"can i like request something"

"sure, what is it?"

"can you like write something at the last page of the book for my boyfriend"

"what's the lucky guys name?"


as the words left her lips, he got into the last page

'you will be forever, and my only love.
please be happy, and content.
If you ever have someone else please treat them right, i don't want them to feel the way i felt, cause it hurts....so much, i love you still.'

he smiled and took the pen

he scribbled some words and gave it to the lady

"minghao, i don't feel so good anymore"


this is the book cover of wonwoo book, idkw i did this

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this is the book cover of wonwoo book, idkw i did this

this is the book cover of wonwoo book, idkw i did this

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and this is the last page of the BOoOoOoOok

aNnNd seventeen is here and im a broke ass bitch, #sendhelp

hUuHuhUu, i will definitely go next yearrrr

anddd plss, i read a tweet saying that armies are shouting bts' names in the saem fanmeeting with svt, r u stupid?? i dk if you'll bash my abt this but people learn to respect other idolss, its not always bts there and bts here, i dont hate bts tbh i was an army a year ago but left, why? because of the toxic fandom, guys ik you love bts but pls get out of the fcking mall cause im ready to stab ur ugly ass bitchass faces!!1!1!!! bitchrsss dont hurt seventeeen their precios and ur nott fvkc u

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