special chapter

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hey guysss!! i just want to tell you how grateful i am omaygAsh!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1

and i thankyouu so much!!!!!!! 💙💗💚💖💓💖💗💚💞💖💗💓💚💓💗💖💙💙💚💙💙💖💓💓💖💖💙💗💗💚💙💚💙💞💞💓💖💚💛💚🖤💜💙💚💛🖤💚🖤🖤💛💛💛💚💓💚💛💚💝💝💞💛💚💚💛💚💛💛💛💜🖤🖤💛💚💙💙💛💚💙💛💓

aaaaaand im planning on making a new story yIeEeeEee!!!! and im thinking of meanie, but its not going to be the continuation of their story here, cause im too lazy to do that heheheheheh

buuut i hope you like thiss i  really amm thankful for you guys!!!




"sOONYOUNG!! AAAHHH!" jihoon scream with all force, his voice getting hoarse for trying to get he baby out of his body

"a little more, the baby's head already came out, you just need a little more push to get the baby" the doctor instructed

jihoon had a tight grip on soonyoung arms, making it white, some bloods are showing  but they both paid no attention

as tears started started flowing on jihoons face, they heard another cry coming out of the baby thats in the doctors arms

after an hour or so

soonyoung is already carrying a healthy baby boy

"what do want to name him?" soonyoung asked carefully without taking his glance off the baby

jihoon think for a minute before coming out with the name

"how about, wooshin?"

the older smiled and nod

"then wooshin it is" the older cooed and kissed the head of the baby, which made wooshi smile

"im your daddy, wooshin, and the little one is your papa!"

jihoon frowned, picking an apple and throwing it to soonyoung

the daddy winced in pain and made a crying face towards the baby

"look wooshin! your papa is hurting me" he said and made noises

jihoons rolled his eyes but smiled after

"can i hold him?"

soonyoung looked at him, and made his way to the bed and gave wooshi to him

"he looked exactly like you, babe"

"true, but he got his eyes from you" jihoon snorted

"why? do you want wooshin to just looked exactly like you?" soonyoung asked while chuckling

"no, stupid, i mean—with us combined we both made an angel"

the room went silent and the two parents just keep on stroking the babys head

the door opened, all of their friends came in

seungkwan and vernon, eventhough they are affected from soonyoung and jihoons past, they still found love from all the chaos and going strong with their baby girl, seulwan, who is already 2 years old

seokmin and joshua, despite of being an idol, joshua fought for their relationship, and now seeking for their infinity and beyond

same with jeonghan and seungcheol, from all the visits from the idol to his restaurants, jeonghan finally had the courage to asked the idols number, and seungcheol gave it easily for he is attracted to the man, and now they are both fighting to not let their ship sink

eventhough they dont know them long enough, they still accepted the two foreigner to their little circle, jun and hao who is still keeping the fire burning in their soul

and lastly, wonwoo and mingyu, despite their past, wonwoo forgave him eventually, even if they are not together they are still both happy to one another and be friends again

as soonyoung and jihoon see their friends making a chaos inside the room, they finally feel contented from their friends, wooshin and from each other


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