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a sandwich sitting on his desk welcomed jihoon in the morning

"it's from hoshi, he went here a minute ago just to give you that" bumzu informed him

he just nodded and smiled while taking the sandwich in his hands

he asked  permission to bumzu if he can go out for a while

"woozi, all of your work is unfinished. stay here and do that later"

"but bumzu hyung, i'll go out for just a minute.....or two, three, four, five. i know you understand me, right?"

"lee jihoon"

jihoon wont lie but he felt scared when bumzu called him gis real name, but this is his bumzu hyung, he wont get mad to jihoon

"please, ill treat you lunch today!"

He persuade a little more and clasp his hands together while muttering small pleases

he felt heaven when bumzu sigh and nodded

"you go, but for only 30 minutes. if you exceed you'll treat me lunch for a week"

without wasting no time, he run to the door  after shouting a thank you, he went towards the elevator and pressed the designated floor. he know where he is, and jihoon is going there

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