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jihoon stepped out of the bathroom and he get his things from the floor

"where are you going baby?"

"aren't you going to sleep here?"

soonyoung asked

"bitch, what? i am going home, my mom needs me. and why would i sleep in this filthy room of yours?" he said while pointing the now empty snack bags that he finished eating

"what happened to you jihoon?"

"what happened to us?"

soonyoung gulped

"bitch" jihoon remarked and he's about to leave when soonyoung grabbed his wrist

"you still love me jihoon right?" soonyoung asked with a straight face

"wha—what do you mean?"

"ofcourse you don't" the older said while nodding

"so you're going to break up with me?" jihoon taunted

"but why?" he asked with a raised brow

"i just don't want it anymore" the older muttered

"i can't believe you're ending it over something ridiculous" jihoon snapped

"so seeing you with mingyu is something ridiculous? kissing and hugging is ridiculous? hearing you said those things to me is ridiculous?" said from the now crying soonyoung


"i gave you everything, i gave you my papers just to see you passed the exam while i fail....why?"

"jihoon why"

"i gave up jihoon"

"i don't want this anymore and you don't really want me right?"

"that's why i am letting you go, you are now longer mine"

"from the start i am never yours, you were the one who keeps pushing himself to someone who doesn't want them"

"i don't want you kwon"

"i used you, because of your money"

"bye idiot"

soonyoung was left dumbfounded as jihoon pushed him away and hurriedly leave the room as soon as the door closed

soonyoung fell onto his knees and cried again

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