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making his way to the said restaurant, he finally arrived

he cant see his anyone he knows because its surrounded with people

he didnt care if he pushed someone, the only thing that is running in his mind is soonyoung

he need to see soonyoung"jihoon-hyung! soonyoung is inside the restaurant" soonyoung's friend, seokmin ushered him through the front door

"gladly, it was nothing major so he doesnt really need to go to the hospital"

jihoon looked at him and nodded, sighing in relief that its just a minor accident

seokmin opened the door for jihoon and pushed him lightly

as jihoon went it, the younger closed the door

he is weirded out but he didnt say anything, he looked around but theres no sign of kwon soonyoung


"im here"

he muttered and roam around the restaurant

memories came flashing back as he let his eyes roam around freely, this is the same restaurant when soonyoung saw him with mingyu

he fight back the tears that are threatening to fall and pushed back his head

he closed his eyes and breathe, he cant be having a breakdown in the middle of a restaurant

as he open his eyes, petals started to fall landing on the floor and on his head, slow music started playing

"it started as one strand and it sprouted into an emotional fireworks
i can't resist, ill say anything
in front of you"

the voice he wanted to hear came to his ears like honey, he went in and hugged him like theres no tommorow

"when im talking about love
when you're talking about love
am i really crazy for you?"

soonyoung continued to sing and caress jihoons head, and smiled to him like he is his world, which he really is

"its okay because it's the two of us
crazy in love crazy in love
you and i are untainted
crazy in love crazy in love
i believe you,i don't doubt you
past, present, and future
crazy in love crazy in love"

he stopped singing and finished it with a kiss on jihoons head

"what the fuck is this, kwon?"

"you know i love you, but you cant just call saying that you got hit by a car"

"i was worried"

"dont do that again!"

jihoon said non-stop and hugged soonyoung again, tiptoeng

soonyoung chuckled at the cute sight and mumbled sweet nothings, he held jihoons chin and smiled

"it was mingyu's idea"

he mumbled and put his head in the smallers neck and pampered it with kisses

"that little piece of shit"

"youre the little one and mingyu is the piece of shit" soonyoung joked that earned a smack on his head

"but seriously, what is this?"

soonyoung gasped, almost forgetting his mission

he kneeled down and fished something in his pocket

"lee jihoon, ji, woozi and my love. we've been through a lot, we experienced pain, sadness and happiness from our relationship, but i hope we wont just stop like we did before. please, i dont want to be betrayed again, i've had enough of it but that pain and experience didnt stop me from loving you, and everyday i fall deeper and deeper. i already forgive you so you dont have to worry. i love you and i want to spend a life time beside you, please let me be your other half. answer with the following choices......."

soonyoung stood up and distanced his self to jihoon, seokmin, mingyu and seungkwan came to view. they formed their selves to a triangle and soonyoung started counting

"hana, dul, set"

"dul junge hanaman golla yes or yes?"

jihoon laughed and launched himself to soonyoung, after they sang in chorus and dance the choreo

its cringey but its worth a shot to convice jihoon more

"what makes you think that im gonna say no?"

he asked and put his arms around soonyoungs neck and the older snaked his arm around his waist

"so is that a yes?"

jihoon nodded and pecked soonyoungs lips

"yes!!" soonyoungs voiced is filled with haopiness and satidfaction

everyone came out from their hiding place

all their friends are here

and they are happy to be with each others arms again


hey guys!! its finally finished, i rushed because all the uodates are delayed and i dont think i can keep up from updating it, i just kept on forgetting hahahahahaha!! but atlast i finished a book!!

i hope you emjoyed reading it as.much as i enjoyed writing it

i love you all guys!!!!


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