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morning came and sunlight blinded jihoon

he checked his phone, and when it showed that its already '12:37PM'

he quickly throw his duvet and get ready, he head to the bathroom to get his self ready for tonight

planning to propose to soonyoung is nerve-wracking, waiting for the older to propose will just be him waiting for jeonghan to be straight

he looked through the mirror and checked himself out, when he think he is ready, applying a light dab of liptint on his lips and he is ready to go

he called soonyoung, but the older aint answering, he tried numerous times but still the older is not answering

he grew nervous, he tried calling chan but the latter told him that he did not know

heading to the door, not forgetting to grab his car key and went out, he drove to soonyoung apartment, but no one is opening the door, assuming that nobody is home

jihoon sighed and sat on the hood of his car, he tried calling again but still no luck

when he is about to give up, mingyu's name popped out in his phone's screen, he answered it and what mingyu told him made his heart shattered to million pieces

"jihoon-hyung!! we saw soonyoung got hit by a car near 'nameless', come quickly please!? i already called an ambulance!!?"

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