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"bijj, wanna get something? you looked so down" wonu said and sat beside soonyoung

"i failed all of my exams" he groaned

"in how many percent?"


"jisoos! soonyoung, what happened to you!?" wonu quaked

"you used to be in 2nd rank. what happened?" the fox-eyed added

"i gave my papers to jihoon in the last 20 minutes, giving me no time to answer anything" he sighed

"and my parents knew, they'll send me 
abroad" he mentioned

wonwoo gasped

"oh god, soonyoung"

wonwoo hugged him tightly and invited him to have  dinner outside

they rode wonwoo's car and went to the usual

the two boys enter the restaurant called 'nameless' and sat on the opposite side

when they heard a loud laughter from the cabin beside them

but they couldn't see the people inside the cabin

(the restau have a room for every table so you can't see the other people)

they sigh and ordered their food

"tell us about your stupid boyfriend wooji hyung"

wonwoo and soonyoung looked at each other and shrug their shoulders

'poor boy being played' soonyoung thought

"e? soonyoung? well, he's very stupid he gave me his answer sheets, that's why he failed while i  passed"

"and i said only mingyuie can call me wooji not you hansol"

"so rude, but wait, didn't mingyu hyung have a boyfriend too?"

"oh? that jeon? i fucked him 3 times yesterday and plus, his very boring books there, books here, books everywhere"

and it followed by a loud giggles and laughter

soonyoung and wonwoo eat silently but they are fuming red now, the tension is too much to take

they finished eating and they headed out of the restaurant and silently walk towards the car

"i can't believe we are the ones being played" soonyoung break the silence

"and  the funny thing is we didn't do anything about it" wonwoo agreed

"yeah, we must be very stupid" soonyoung smile

"we're really are bestfriends"

wonwoo inserted the key, when a group of guys exited the restaurant and a certain two boys kissed and being lovey dovey

they laugh it off, and wonu srarted driving

the travel to their apartment is painfully slow and silent

they arrived in the house for like forever, they bid their goodnights and went to their seperate ways

the moment they stepped in their rooms the tears they're preventing to fall is now unleashed, they cried until dawn. they hope that it'll stop but it just can't

soonyoung is sleepless that night, everytime he closed hos eyes an image of jihoon appears

he wanted it to stop, he wanted to sleep, he wanted the pain to stop, he wanted it to stop but it just can't

while on the other hand

two naked bodies became one



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top wears pink and the bottom wears blue😄

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top wears pink and the bottom wears blue

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