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"soonyoungie, do i look good on these?"

jihoon ask while twirling around wearing his thousand dollars sweater

"ofcourse baby, you look good in everything"

"soonyoungie baby! i remembered, it's our 2nd anniversary in just a span of 2 days, what will you get me?"

"what do you want to receive baby?" soonyoung cooed

"i want this" jihoon said and showed him a picture of a casette necklace

"how much is it?"

"hmm about 5 thousand dollars"

"that's expensive" soonyoung mumbled

"oh so you won't buy it to me? wow" jihoon roared

"i'll buy it okay? it's just too expensive, and plus you are rich you could buy it yourself right? i saw your house it's freaking huge!"

"what did you say! you went to my house without my permission?!"

jihoon hissed and get up from soonyoungs bed and went to the bathroom

soonyoung is getting suspicious because why the heck would he be angry because of a fucking necklace and going to his house

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