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they decided to just eat in a local barbeque house,and that's where they are headed to

soonyoung driving his car making some questions every time so it will not get awkward

"how have you been?" the sudden question startled soonyoung, jihoon has been very silent and only talking if were asked

"im okay, spain had done me alot of good things. having my own studio is the dream i always wanted, so everythings okay"

"how about you?"

he asked, but after a few minutes everything falls into silent, and only the beeping of cars can be heard

soonyoung sighed and glanced jihoon a few seconds and continue driving

they reached the restaurant, and the older is about to go down but, a hand grabbed his arm


jihoon softly said

"im really sorry....i know that the things i've done to you are very bad, and i couldn't asked for more except for your forgiveness"

"i didn't see your worth, and i was blinded by my anger when that thing happened"

"i was so infuriated to you that i didn't know what i was doing"

"at first im so happy that you're hurting but i didnt know i was hurting too"

"i should have treated you better"

"soonyoung, im sorry...."

he finished and tears started to pour down on his cheeks, he sobbed quietly while holding soonyoung arms

"it's okay"

he embraced the younger and caressed the back of his head, jihoon buried his head onto soonyoung's neck

they stayed in that position for a while, and when soonyoung heard light snores, he cooed the younger and put the the younger at the back seat silently, trying not to wake him up. after that, they are on their way to his apartment

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