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its been a week since the book signing and its been stressing wonwoo so much

he kind of daydreamed about him and mingyu reuniting and being in each others arms again, kissing and all that stuff

but when he knew and saw how beautiful mingyu's girlfriend is, what is there to fight for?

mingyu gave him a handful of heartaches but the love is still there, just covered with pain

mingyus name is still there, engraved and there is no way to take it off

"hey, jeon"

he hummed at the two chinese male approaching him

"hey, jj"

he hummed again, and put his head on the desk

"hey, jj wh—"

"i still dont know why are you calling me 'jj' its hideous like you, junhui"

"fuck you, wonu" junhui said after he punched his friends arm and pouted

minghao snorted and hit his friends head

"stupid bitches" the manager snorted

the two seated infront of wonwoo, and begun chatting

wonwoo felt a little out of place, because of the couple infront of him, it usually doesnt bother him at all. they even make out infront of wonwoo, but he remain straight face, that was before. ehem—it happened yesterday

so to take his mind off of the couple, he plan to walk in the park for a while

"hey, im gonna walk in the park, just call me when something happen, bye"

"are you okay?" junhui asked carefully, concern etched onto his beautiful face

"yes, just go continue to suck each others face"

"fucker!" minghao shouted and held the spoon towards wonwoo, ready to fight

the three laugh, while jun was holding his boyfriend down

wonwoo nodded, and went outside to go to the park

after a while, he arrived to the park filled with family, couples, and kids. 'must be nice to have those things' he thought

he walked to the park and found a bench surrounded with flowers, he sat and took a picture of the flower. wonwoo relaxed on the bench and used his phone to open his note, he begun to type some story ideas, plots, anything that comes to his mind. he stopped typing when something caught his eye

its a couple, a man and a woman. holding hands, happy faces, blissful smile

but why cant wonwoo be that happy, the question always remain in his mind, he deserved it he knows, just a little, he wanted to feel happy just like what he felt when he is with him, before

he stared at he two, when the girl looked his way and locked eyes with him

the girls mouth wide-opened and gasped, she pulled his boyfriends arm and made their way to wonwoo

"hello! wonwoo-ssi!" she spoke to him and held his hand

"hey" he mumbled

"this is my boyfriend that im talking about to the book signing. mingyu, this is wonwoo. wonwoo-ssi, this is my boyfriend, mingyu" she stated

'whats her name again' wonwoo wondered

"hi wonwoo, long time no see" the boy named mingyu, said

he smiled, "im happy to finally meet you, mingyu"

but his face shows the opposite, his face paled, his lips trembled and his eyes begun to water

looking down,  he relaxed himself and wiped his eyes. when he thinks he's fine, he looked up. eyes meeting the boy he love so much

"im happy to see you both, but i have to go" he stated and walked away


"wonwoo, wait!"

"jeon wonwoo!"

wonwoo walked slowly, and it takes three calls for him to notice that someone is after him

he turned around and he bumped onto someones chest

he instantly pulled away and looked down

"wonwoo, i know i've done a very, very bad things to you for the past few years, i was immature, i didnt really think of what will be the outcome of my doings, im very sorry wonwoo. i really am"

"i know you wont forgive me easily, but please consider this for us to be friends again" mingyu conceded, and pull wonwoo for a nice big bear hug

wonwoo, he. he sobbed to the mans chest, punching it weakly

"you broke my heart, and all you can say is sorry?" he whispered

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