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"okay class, our first test is math so it inludes trigonometry, calculus and algebra"

"always have one sit apart to prevent you guys from cheating"

mr. moon explained

all the students started answering, except for one and that is soonyoung's boyfriend

"20 minutes left!" mr. moon announced

atlast soonyoung is finished

he's about to pass his papers but he felt a light tug on his shirt, he turned around to see jihoon with pleading eyes

"soonyoungie, i can't even answer a thing. please let me copy your answer please, i can't let this last exam fail, i need to graduate soonyoung please" jihoon pleaded while wiping his tears

soonyoung has no choice, so he give his answer sheet to jihoon and start answering again

Jihoon erased soonyoung's name and replace it with his, and he stand up to pass his papers

"wow, mr. lee. i never thought you'll be the first one to finish"

jihoon faked a smile and went outside to meet with his friends

"wooji hyung! what do you think about the test?" hansol asked

"i told you, don't call me wooji. but anyways it's fine, i guess. i couldn't even answer number 1"

"oh? why are you here then?"

"i copied soonyoung's answers" he said with slight smirked

they all laughed and headed to god knows where


they are all in college now and i don't even know what do they learn in college so i just put random lessons there hehehehe peazeee

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