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jihoon was left alone in the restaurant, food cold and heart shattered

'i deserved it, i hurt him' he pondered

hu pursed his lips, and dialled mingyu's number

after 5 seconds, the lad answered

"hello, jihoonie hyung?"


"are you crying?"

"no shit sherlock, my eyes are sweating"

"who made you cry? want me to beat them up?"

"he-he's back"


"i wanted to comfort you, but you kind of deserved it. i mean...."

"i know, i wanted to go home"

"you wanted me to fetch you?"


"oh okay, take care"

"bitch, how dumb are you?"

"i wouldn't call you in the middle of the day for nothing"

"bitch calm down, where are you?"


"why can't you just ask jeonghan-hyung to send you home?"

"he's not here"

"bitch, hurry up!"

"okay, asshole!"

so that's it, i ran out of drafts so i'll be updating every weekend which is saturday and sunday (just so u know) anyways, thankyou guyssss for the support like omayghash my meme heart is screaminggggggg, thankyou guys for 300+ readsss, AaaAaaa and also, this chapter is so random :(((

so that's it, i ran out of drafts so i'll be updating every weekend which is saturday and sunday (just so u know) anyways, thankyou guyssss for the support like omayghash my meme heart is screaminggggggg, thankyou guys for 300+ readsss, AaaAaaa an...

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