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whispers of sweet nothings entered his ears, a hand kept on rubbing his back on a soothing way, same goes for his hair

but it's jihoon

it can't be with him


the blonde looked down on him, with a unreadable look, the younger sighed and shrug

"jihoon, please"

he wants to cry, he want to bury his self to self pity and darkness

but again, the younger did not pay attention to him

"soonyoung go sit on the couch"

jihoon intructed but the older is stubborn and kept on pushing him towards the door

jihoon looked at him sternly and he just saw himself obeying

soonyoung stood up from his knees on the floor and jihoon that is infront of him stand up as well

he can't forget about how he burried his face to jihoon's neck

yeah, it must be his fever that kept on making him soft towards the younger

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