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"Get Up Little Girl" I Said Looking Down At Her On The Floor. I Signed Out And We Were On Our Way Leaving Yari's Daycare. We Got To My Car And Opened The Back Door For Yari And She Climbed In. I Buckled Her Into Her Car Seat. I Closed The Door Going To My Side Placing My Purse On The Passenger Seat Turning On The Car Heading To The Kids School. This Was My Daily Routine After Work, Jay Always Wanted To Stay A Little Longer But He Knows 5:00 Is His Limit Cause He Needs To Be Home With His Kids.

"How Was School?" I Asked Looking In My Rearview Mirror.

"Good!" Yari Said Reaching Her Arms Up With Excitement On Her Face.

I Giggled "That's Good"

We Engaged In Conversation Until I Arrived At The Kids School, Once They Noticed Me Pulling Up Nolan Got In The Front While Nola And Yuri Got In The Back Joining Yari. Everyone Said Hello "Ooo I Want A Lollipop" Yari Said Pointing To Yuri's Lollipop That Was In His Mouth.

"Yuri Where You Got That From?" I Asked. He Took It Out Of His Mouth "My Teacher And I Don't Have Anymore So Oh Well" Yuri Said. Yari Frowned Crossing Her Arms.

"Mommy Will Get You One Tomorrow" I Said.

Yari Leaned Over Yanking The Lollipop From Yuri's Hand Putting It In Her Mouth. "Yari!" Yuri Yelled Beginning To Cry.

I Tried Not To Laugh "Yari Is A Straight Savage. Yuri You Not Going To Try To Get It Back?" Nola Said Laughing. Yuri Began Crying Harder Pointing To Yari

"Jit Tell Her To Give You Your Lollipop Back" Nolan Said

"Give Me Back My...Lollipop" Yuri Cried. Yari Ignored Him Licking Her Lollipop Which Only Made Yuri Cry Harder.

"Punk" Yari Said.

"Dang" Nola Said Laughing.

"I Know Right" Nolan Said Turning Around To See Her Smiling And Licking The Lollipop.

"Yari That's Not Yours! Don't Do That Give It Back To Yuri" I Said Making A Left At The Light.

Yari Was Yuri Times Two Because Of Jay's Ass. He Always Let Her Get Away With Anything Especially When I'm Not Around.

"Say Sorry To Your Brother" I Said.

Yari Didn't Say Anything "Yari" I Said Sternly. "Sorry" She Said.

"Yuri Stop Crying, I'll Give You A Lollipop Tomorrow" I Said.

"The Boy Soft" Nola Said Shaking Her Head.

"I Don't Care!" Yuri Yelled.

"Let A Two Year Old Take Your Lollipop" Nolan Said. Yuri Folded His Arms "I SAID I DON'T CARE!" Yuri Screamed To The Top Of His Lungs.

Nola And Nolan Busted Out Laughing "Stop Y'all, Yuri You Better Stop All That Screaming Before I Jump In The Back And Whoop Your Ass" I Said. We Pulled Up To The House And I Seen Princess Car "Mommy's Here" Yuri Smiled.

Princess Relationship With The Kids Gotten A Little Bit Better. But She Was Buying Their Love, Giving Them Whatever They Wanted Which Caused Them To Walk Around With A Whole New Attitude. I Shut That Down Real Quick. I Parked And Everyone Got Out The SUV, Princess Got Out Of Her Car. Yuri Ran Over To Her "Hi Mommy" He Smiled.

"Hey" She Smiled.

"Hey Ma" Nolan Said.

"Hey Mom" Nola Said. I Walked Up To Her "Hey Everyone...Bey I Wanted To Show You The Designs For The Invitations" Princess Said. Nolan Was Turning Sixteen, Jay And I Were Planning For His Sweet Sixteen But When Nolan Told Her That We Were Planning A Party For Him She Automatically Put Her Into This Equation Buying Things And Asking Nolan All The Things He Wants For His Party. It Made Me So Jealous Because I Wanted To Plan Nolan's Party. But I Couldn't Get Mad Princess Was His Mother And Now That She's "Back In Their Life's" I Cant Fight Her On This Because At The End Of The Day That's Her Son.

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