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"I Need To See Her Now!" I Yelled Trying To Get Out Of The Hospital Bed.

"Sir Please Stay...You Need To Rest" Said The Nurses.

"Fuck That, That's My Wife!" I Screamed As They Held Me Down.

"Shawn You'll Be Able To See Her Soon. You Need To Rest, You Just Woke Up From A Coma Please Calm Down" Said The Doctor.

"Is She Okay?!"

"Relax Mr.Carter" Said The Nurses.

"Alright...Alright" I Said Trying To Calm Down.

"Where's My Kids?...How Long Have I Been Out Of It?" I Asked.

"A Month, They're Here But You Need To Relax First" Said One Of The Nurses.

"Okay Okay...But I Need To See My Wife" I Said Sternly.

"You Can See Her Tomorrow" Said The Doctor As He Looked At One Of The Nurses.

"We're Going To Let Go...Okay?" Said One Of The Nurses.

I Nodded My Head, They All Let Go "We'll Send Your Family In" Said The Doctor As They All Left. A Few Minutes Later They All Ran In With My Pops Behind Them.

"Daddy!" They All Screamed Running Towards Me. Yari And Yuri Immediately Climbed On The Hospital Bed.

"We Missed You" Yari Said.

"Yeah I Thought You Died" Nola Said As A Tear Dropped From Her Eye.

"Now You Know I'm A Fighter" I Chuckled To Lighten Up The Mood.

"Daddy You Got A Boo Boo" Yari Said Pointing To
My Forehead.

"Uh Yeah...I Didn't Even Know, I'm So Glad To See Y'all" I Said. Nola Hugged Me "No I'm Glad" She Said Softly.

"Did It Hurt?" Yuri Asked.

"What Kinda Question Is That?" Nolan Said Rolling His Eyes.

The Last Thing I Remember Was Us Fighting In The Car On The Way Home From Our Session With Dr.Sharon.


"You Think I'm Stupid?! Jay You Were About To Kiss Her!" Beyoncé Yelled.

I Sucked My Teeth "She Was About To Lean Over To Grab A File, I'm Sick Of Your Shit Man!"

She Started Beating On The Dashboard Freaking The Fuck Out Of Me "I'm Tired Of Your Shit, I'm Not Enough For You Anymore!" She Snapped I Heard Honking And Seen A Semi Trailer Heading Towards Us

End Of Flashback

"Ah" I Said Touching My Head As I Felt Pain In My Head.

"Are You Okay Daddy?" Nola Asked.

"Uh Yeah Baby Girl" I Lied.

"You Don't Want To See The Car, It's Completely Totaled" Nolan Said.

I Looked At Him Confused Barely Remembering What Happened "The Car Went Under The Semi Trailer Dad...The Doctors Said They've Never Seen A Miracle Like Yours" Nolan Said.

"I Prayed Everyday Dad" Nola Said. I Smiled Weakly Kissing Her Head.

"I Want A Kiss Too" Yari Said Folding Her Arms.

"Attention Seeker" Nola Said Rolling Her Eyes.

I Chuckled Lightly Kissing Her Head "Did You Guys See Bey?"

They All Looked At Each Other "They Said They Have To Tell-"

"Okay Guys Go In The Waiting Room And Get Some Snacks While Me And Your Dad Talk" My Pops Said. They All Groaned But Left Out Of The Room.

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