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I Unlocked My Car Doors About To Open The Back Door. "Jay!" I Heard, I Looked Up To See LaLa Heading Towards Me With Smile Planted Across Her Face.

"What's Up?" I Asked As She Came Around The Car Giving Me A Hug.

"Nothing Much, How About You?" She Asked.

"Just Following The Wife's Orders" I Said Opening The Back Door To Place A Few Bags Inside.

"Wife?" She Asked.

"Yeah I'm Married To Beyoncé" I Said.

"Oh...Let Me Help You" She Said Grabbing A Few Of The Grocery Bags.

"Thanks, I Haven't Seen You Around Princess Y'all Still Talk?"

"Here And There...Why?" She Asked.

I Shrugged "No Reason"

She Dropped The Last Bag Turning Around To Bend Down Slowly In Front Of Me. She Had On Shorts And I Can Practically See Her Pussy. I Licked My Lips Watching Her Grab The Last Bag With A Smirk Planted On Her Face "Here You Go" She Said Stepping Close To Me. As Much As I Wanted To Fuck The Shit Outta Her I Couldn't.

I Placed The Bag In The Bag Closing The Door "Uh...Thanks. It Was Good Seeing You" I Said.

She Placed Her Hand Down My Chest Slowly "You Too...I See You Growing" She Whispered Looking Down. I Looked Down Making Sure My Dick Wasn't Standing At Attention.

"Your Body...You've Been Working Out?" She Asked Biting Down On Her Lip.

"Ye-Yeah With Yuri"

She Chuckled "Why You Stuttering?"

LaLa Walked Closer To Me Our Lips Inches Apart. My Phone Began To Ring Interrupting The Trance, I Grabbed It To See Bey Calling.

"Hi Daddy...Did You Forget  The Green Apples?"  Yari Asked.

"Hey Baby Girl, And No I Didn't. I Almost Did"

She Giggled "Silly Daddy"

I Chuckled "I'll See You When I Get Home"

"Okay, Love You" She Said. I Smiled Keeping My Eyes On LaLa "I Love You More" I Said Hanging Up.

"One Of Your Kids?" She Asked.

"Yeah, I Gotta Go..."

"Mmm It Was Good Seeing You...Don't Ever Forget To Call A Girl Up To See If She's Okay" She Said Giving Me A Hug. When She Released From The Hug She Stared At Me. I Cleared My Throat Getting In My Car Driving Off Leaving Her There Smirking.

After About 35 Minutes I Arrived Home To See Yuri And Bey In The Kitchen "Hey Help Me-"

"No TV, Video Games, No iPad...Nothing!" Bey Snapped.

"What Are You Getting From This Exactly?...Punishing Me" Yuri Asked.

"Boy If You Don't Take Your Ass Upstairs" Bey Said As Her Eyes And Nostrils Widen. Yuri Bent Down His Head Walking Past Me.

"Go Tell Your Siblings To Get The Rest Of The Groceries" I Said. I Placed The Bags On The Counter "What Happened?" I Asked.

"The School Just Called, Yuri Put Super Glue On The Teachers Chair And Had Her Glued To The Damn Chair"

"Damn How He Got Caught?" I Asked. She Looked At Me "What?" I Asked.

"That's The First Question You Ask"

"I Mean Yeah...I'm A Little Disappointed He Got Caught" I Said. Bey Rolled Her Eyes Going To The Sink And I Walked Up Behind Her Wrapping My Arms Around Her. I Kissed Her Neck "I Missed You"

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