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It's Been A Few Weeks And Bey Still Hasn't Woken Up, I Was Finally Released Last Week. I'd Rather Be In The Damn Hospital Because Without Bey The House Was A Wreck.

"Dad You Do Have To Feed Us" Nola Said.

I Whipped My Face "What Time Is It?"

"After 9, Yuri And Yari Are Still Up Doing Whatever They Want" Nola Said.

I Rolled My Eyes Getting Out Of Bed Walking To The Kitchen With Nola Following Closely Behind. I Looked In The Fridge Putting Chicken Nuggets And Fries In The Oven All On One Pan.

"Your Happy?" I Said Sarcastically.

"Elated" She Smiled Walking Out Of The Kitchen. I Heard A Knock At The Door, I Opened It To See Nicki And Kelly With Bags In Their Hands.


"Step Aside, We Know You Probably Haven't Fed These Kids In Days" Nicki Said Moving Past Me Right Along With Kelly.

"Actually Their About To Eat" I Said.

"At 9:30 Really?" Kelly Said As The Put Their Bags Down.

"It's Nice To See Y'all But I Can Take Care Of My Own Kids" I Said As They Walked Into The Kitchen.

"Hey Nola Bear" Nicki Said As She Hugged Both Of Them.

"You've Come To Save Us All" Nola Said.

"Yes We Have" Kelly Said.

Nola Smiled Leaving The Kitchen "Look Bey Would've Wanted Us Here" Kelly Said.

"I'd Rather Leave Yo Ass To Learn On Ya Own But My Girl Is Going Through It So I Need To Be There For Her" Nicki Said.

I Rolled My Eyes "I Don't Need Another Person Coming At Me Side Ways"

"Oh Mama Tina Went In On That Ass?" Nicki Asked.

"Look It's Late, I Got This Plus All My Friends Are Coming Down This Weekend To Be With Me And My Family" I Said.

Nicki Looked At Kelly "We're Not Going Anywhere"

I Heard Yari And Yuri Running And Laughing "Come In Here Now!" Kelly Said. The Laughing Stopped And We Seen Yari And Yuri Come In.

"Hey Auntie" They Said.

"You Know Better Then To Run And Why Are Y'all Still In Uniforms?!" Nicki Said.

They Looked At Me "What? Y'all Old Enough To Take A Bath And Get Ready For Bed" I Said.

"Let's Go Come On" Kelly Said Holding Both Their Hands As She Left The Kitchen.

"What's In The Oven?" Nicki Asked.

I Cleared My Throat "Chicken Nuggets And Fries"

"That's Not Dinner Shawn, But It's Going To Have To
Do" She Said Checking On The Food.

How Am I Gonna Survive With These Two Basically Taking Over My House.
"What You Know About Gang Signs?" I Asked As We Left The Dentist.

He Laughed "Nolan"

"Of Course" I Said As We Got Into The Car. We Headed Home To The Smell Of Food.

"Mommy Is Home?!" Yuri Asked Running To The Kitchen. I Locked The Door Heading To The Kitchen To See Nicki Cooking.

"I Started Seasoning The Pork Chops You Can Finish Cooking Them, The Rice Isn't Done But You'll Know When It's Done. These Sautéed Vegetables Are Almost Done" Nicki Explained.

"I Thought Mommy Was Cooking" Yuri Said Sadly.

"She'll Be Home Soon Buddy Okay? Go Head Upstairs" Nicki Said. He Nodded His Head Following Her Instructions.

"I Don't Really Coo-"

"You Going To Learn, I Did Half The Work You Do The Rest. It Isn't Rocket Science" She Snapped.

"So You Tryna Call Me Dumb?"

"Well" Nicki Said Scratching Her Head.

"Nobody Asked Y'all To Be Up In My House And Business" I Shot.

"Oh Really? Without Us These Kids Would've Been Dead. Now Shut The Fuck Up And Watch The Damn Food" Nicki Said Moving Past Me.

"Don't You Ever Talk To Me Like You Lost Your Rabbit Ass Mind"

"Don't Play With Me Jay" She Said.

"I'm Not Playing, Your Just Mad That Bey And I Are Together...You've Always Been Jealous"


"I'm Dead Ass"

"Nigga Where Is That Even Coming From?" She Asked.

"Man Get The Fuck Outta My House Witcho Broke Ass"

"No Baby I've Never Been Broke Unlike Yo Ass, Had A Dumb Ass Wife Swipe You Out Clean And Who Was There For You? Your Wife! You Can't Even Acknowledge The Fact That We're Helping And Doing A Better Job Then You Would've Ever Done" She Snapped

"But Nobody Asked Ya Asses To Be Here!"

"I Did" I Heard, I Turned To See Nola Standing There With A Sad Look On Her Face.

"Nola Why? I-"

"Daddy Mom Does Everything For Us, I Knew You'd Be Horrible And Grandpa Wouldn't Be A Good Fit He Barely Could Walk Straight So I Asked My Aunties. You Were Laying Down In Bed All Day Yesterday, I Had To Tell You To Feed Us, It's Like When Princess And You Were Together All Over Again" Nola Said.

I Let Out A Sigh Walking Up To Her Kneeling Down To Her Height "I'm So Sorry Princess" I Said.

"I Really Don't Want To Accept Your Apology Because Your Grown And Should Know How To Take Care Of Your Kids But...I Accept Your Apology" She Said. I Hugged Her And Felt Her Arms Around My Body. I Released From The Hug "I Love You...You Know That?" I Asked.

She Nodded Her Head "So Please Auntie Don't Leave...Wait What's That Smell?" Nola Asked.

"Shit The Vegetables" Nicki Said.

"Oh Those Can Get Burnt"'Nola Said.

I Kissed Her Head Causing Her To Look At Me "See You Were About To Burn Our Dinner"

I Laughed "Go Upstairs"

She Giggled Leaving The Kitchen, I Turned To Nicki About To Apologize Only To Hear My Phone Ringing. I Took It Out Of My Pocket To See A Random Number, I Picked It Up.

"Hello?" I Asked.

"Hello This Is Ivy Grace Hospital, Is This Shawn Carter?" I Heard A Woman's Voice.

"Ye-Yes" I Stuttered.

"Your Wife Has Woken Up And Now Taking Visitors"

I Stood There In Shock
Anotha One 👏🏽, I Did Let Y'all Know That This Book Will Be Ending Soon Right? 👀

•What Do You Think Of Jay Taking Care Of The Kids By Himself?

•What Do You Think Of Nicki And Kelly Coming To Help Out?

•What Do You Think About Nicki And Jays Fight? Who Do You Think Was Right?

Peace & Blessings 🤙🏽

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