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"Pass Me The Milk Please" I Said.

"Can I Hold Her Please Please" Yuri Asked, I Giggled Slowly Handing Her To Him. He Smiled From Ear To Ear "I Pray She Doesn't Come Out Like Yari" He Said Giving Yari An Evil Glare.

Yari Stuck Out Her Tongue, We Watched Yuri Hold Blue In His Arms. "She's So Beautiful" He Said Admiring Her.

"Because She Looks Like Me And Yari" Nola Smiled.

"Period...That Way" Yari Said Whispering The Last Part.

"You Need To Stop Letting Her Watch Perez Videos" Nolan Said Shaking His Head.

"I Gotta Teach Her How To Be Like Me, She's My Mini Me And Now She Has Her Mini Me" Nola Smiled.

I Smiled As I Looked At All Of Them, Jay Came Behind Me Wrapping His Arms Around My Waist Kissing My Neck Making Me Blush. "So Y'all Definitely Done Making Kids Right?" Nola Asked.

I Looked At Her "I'm Just Saying Nolan And I Won't Be Here To Take Care Of Y'all Children" Nola Said.

"Big Facts" Nolan Said.

"Nolan Will Be Going To College Next Year And I'll Be In High School In All AP Classes Getting Straight A's Per Usual Of Course" Nola Said Looking Up With A Smile Spread Across Her Face.

"Yes With A Full Ride" I Said.

Nolan Chuckled. There Was Knock At The Door "Grandma And Papa Are Here!" Nola And Yuri Said With Excitement.

I Smiled As I Walked Yo To The Door To Open It "My Baby!" My Mama Gushed As She Wrapped Her Arms Around My Neck.

I Giggled "Hey Mama" 

I Hugged My Dad, Solange And Alan And Kissed My Little Julez.

"We Missed Y'all" Nola Said As Everyone Hugged Everyone.

"Now Let Me See- Aw She's Even More Beautiful In Person" My Mama Gushed As She Took Blue From Yuris Hands.

Nola Took Julez Out Of Alan's Hands, She Loved Julez. We Decided To Celebrate Julez Birthday Here This Year Plus They Get To See Blue.

"How's Everyone Been?" My Mama Asked.

I Looked At Jay Blushing "Everythings Been Real Good"

It Took A Lot Of Faith And Time To Get Everything Back On Board With My Family As A Whole. Jay And I Went Through Hell Last Year And The Only Thing That Came Out Beautiful Was Julez. This Year Things Have Been Better Because Our Beautiful Baby Blue Came Into This World Healthy. As For My Parents With Jay They Still Have Their Own Thoughts But They Try To Be Cordial With Him Because Of The Kids.

"I Mean Have You Even Been Applying Anywhere?" Solange Asked Nolan Snapping Me Out Of My Thoughts.

"Not Really, Pops Wants Me To Go To Princeton And Moms Wants Me To Go To Any School That's On My Heart" Nolan Said.

I Looked At My Mom As The Kids And Her All Engaged In Conversation "Isn't It Beautiful?" I Heard Jay Whisper In My Ear.

"What?" I Asked.

"Look At Our Family...Isn't It Beautiful"

I Smiled "Yes It Is" I Looked Up At Him "I Love You" I Continued.

He Smiled Leaning Down Kissing My Lips Making Me Lick My Lips. We All Engaged In Conversation Catching Up.
"Oh My God He Is Really Messing Up That Cake" I Laughed Seeing Julez Attack His Little Cake.

We All Laughed, The Professional Photographer Stood Next To Me Snapping Pictures Of Solange, Julez And Alan.

"I Just Want To Eat Him Up" Kelly Said.

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