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"I Can Take  Good Care Of My Damn Self" Jays Dad Argued As He Helped Him Inside Our House.

"Dad, No You Can't You Had A Heart Attack" Jay Said.

"This Is Why I Didn't Want Them To Call You"

The Kids Came Inside The House "Put His Suite Cases In Our Room" I Said. They Followed My Instructions.

"I Told The Doctors That I'll Hire Help" Mr.Carter Said.

"Dad Let's Just Get You In Bed So You Can Rest" Jay Said. As They Walked To Our Room. The Kids Came Out "Is Grandpa Gonna Die?" Yuri Asked.

"No Baby" I Said.

"It's So Weird Seeing Him" Nola Said.

"Why?" I Asked.

"Because We Barely See Him" Nolan Said.

"Well Hopefully That Will Change" I Smiled.

"We'll Be In My Room" Nolan Said Grabbing Laya's Hand.

"Boy If Y'all Don't Sit Down On The Couch, You Know The Rules" I Said.

He Let Out A Sigh "Mhm Keep Huffing And Puffing" I Said.

"Laya Let Me Speak To You" I Said. She Looked At Nolan Then Followed Me To The Kitchen.

"At Some Point Your Going To Have To Tell Me Why Your Here And Not Home" I Said.

"I'm-...Why?" She Asked Softly.

"Because Your Staying In My House"

"I'm Not Ready...To Tell You" She Said Softly.

"Okay, Are You Feeling Better?"

"No" She Said. I Hugged Her And She Hugged Back, I Began Rubbing Her Back "Everything's Going To Be Okay...I Promise" I Said.

She Released From The Hug "Thank You Mrs.Carter-"

"Beyoncé...Laya" I Said. She Giggled "Right...Ms.Beyoncé" She Whipped The Tear That Fell From Her Eye.

She Got Left The Kitchen While Jay, Yuri And Yari Entered "What's For Dinner?" Yuri Asked.

"Excuse Me?"

"What Are We Having For Dinner?" Yuri Corrected.

"What Are Y'all In The Mood For? Actually It Can't Be Anything Too Healthy Because Grandpa Has To Eat Better"

Yari Twisted Up Her Face "Just Cool Him Something Different"

"No, I Think It'll Be Good For Us To Change Our Diet A Little Bit" I Said.

"Diet?" Nola Asked Walking Into The Kitchen Going To The Fridge.

"Mommy Says We're Going To Change Our Diet For Grandpa" Yuri Said.

"Ew Why?, We're All Healthy We Shouldn't Suffer Because He Decided Not To Take Care Of Himself" Nola Said As She Untwisted The Water Bottle Cap.

"Nola, That's Not Nice" I Said.

"I'm With Nola. I Want To Keep Eating My Cookies" Yari Said.

"I Would Have Yo Give Up Cookies And Chips?!" Yuri Asked.

"Yes Dummy" Nola Said Hitting Him On His Head.

"Your The Dummy" Yuri Said Sticking Out His Tongue.

"Guys! Stop. I'm Going To Cook Something New, You'll Like It" I Smiled.

"Oh Lord Mom Is Turning White" Nola Said.

Yuri Giggled "No More Season Chicken"

"Good One" Nola Laughed.

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