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"So Cute" I Smiled After Taking The Picture.

"Can I See?" Asked Eris. I Showed Them The Picture.

"Can You Send It To Me Later?" Eris Asked Nola.

"Yeah" She Said. Eris Smiled Walking Away "Can You Go Now...Please?" Nola Asked.

"Why Did She Just Walk Away?" I Asked Confused.

"Nothing Okay?" She Said.

"I Think I'm Going To Stick Around Until Yuri Is Done With Practice" I Said.

"Why? Nobody Else Parents Are Here"

"I'm Not Them, I'm Your Parent So Go Have Fun And Relax" I Said. She Let Out A Sigh Taking Off Her Slides And Romper To Get In The Water. 

I Took A Seat And Watched Her Get In The Water With The Other Girls And Boys.

"Hey, Are You Nyolas Parent?" I Heard. I Looked Up To See A Woman.

"Unless Your Referring To No-La" I Said Pronouncing It Slow.

"Oh...Sorry. IsThere Something I Can Help You With?" She Asked.

I Looked Around Because I Knew She Wasn't Talking To Me "Excuse Me?"

"Okay...This Is A No Parent Zone" She Laughed.

"For A Thirteen Year Old Party" I Said Looking At This Woman Like She Was Stupid.

"My Daughters Words Not Mine"

I Got Up "This Is A Children's Party And I Need To Watch My Daughter. I Don't Know You Like That And You Obviously Don't Know My Daughter-"

"Look I Don't Know Your Daughter Because She Isn't Around Eris. Eris Only Invited Her Because She Felt Like Nola Would Find Out That She Would Be The Only One Not Invited" Spat The Woman.

I Smiled "We're Going To Go Before My Foot Ends Up Down Your Throat"

I Grabbed Nola's Stuff "Nola Lets Go"

Nola Looked Confused "Why? I Just-"

"What Did I Say?" I Shot. She Swam To The Steps Getting Out The Pool. I Went Up To The Gift Table Taking My Gift I Got That Little Girl And We Headed To The Car While I Handed Her A Towel. I Turned It On And Drove Out Of The Drive Way.

"Why Did I Have To Leave?" She Asked Softly.

"Is She Your Friend And Don't Lie" I Said.


"That Girl Is Not Your Friend Nola" I Said. I Looked At Her And Bent Her Head.

"That Girl Is Too Grown Running Her Mother And She Has A Rude, Nasty Attitude. I Don't Want You Hanging Around Her At All! Nobody Will Mess With My Chil-"

"No!"  Nola Said. I Came To A Stop At The Light.

I Seen Tears Down Her Cheeks "Why Are You Crying?"

"Because...She Knows Everybody...Everybody Loves Her And I Wanted To Be Friends With Her And You Just Ruined It" She Said In Between Cries.

"Nola Baby, You Don't Choose Your Friends Like That. You Have A Lot Of Friends, Some Of Them Was At The Party" I Said Beginning To Feel Bad.

"No They All Hang Out With Eris" She Said.

The Light Changed Green So I Made A Left "What?"

"Since They've Been Hanging Out With Her They've Barely Talked To Me. That's Why I've Been Trying To Be Her Friend So I Can Have My Friends Back And Be Popular"

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