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I Knocked On Mr.Carters Door And He Said To Come In. I Closed The Door Behind Me, I Smiled "How Are You Settling In?" I Asked Walking Up Beside His Bed.

"Let's Just Say I'd Rather Be In The Comfort Of My Own Home" He Said With A Smile.

"Why Are You The Way That You Are?" I Asked

"Excuse You?"

"Your Son Didn't Have To Care About You But He Does Because Your His Father And He's Seen What Not Having A Father Around Could Do To A Child And He Showing His Children That" I Said.

"What Do You Want From Me?!"

"I Want You Stop Acting So Bitter And Just Love Your Son And Get To Know Your Grandchildren While Your Alive. Being Alone And Bitter Isn't Happiness" I Said.

He Just Looked At Me "You Know Your Two Youngest Grandchildren Are Scared To Be Around You Right?" I Added.

"Mommy!" I Heard Yuri's Voice.

"Coming" I Said Walking Over To The Door "I Don't Know What Your Going Through And I Might Not Ever Understand But Don't Let Whatever Your Going Through Out On Your Family That's Just Trying To Love You" I Said Leaving Out The Room.

"Yari Drew All Over The Bathroom Door!" Yuri Yelled.

"Snitch!" Yari Yelled

"Yari Get Over Here!" I Yelled. Yari Slowly Came Out Of Nola's Room "It Was A Accident" She Said.

"What Happened?" I Asked.

"I Was Walking With A Marker And And...And Yuri Pushed Me" Yari Lied

"How You Gonna Call Me A Snitch When You Snitching On Me Ugly Face!" Yuri Said.

"Ugly Face? Yo Big Head Got Messed Up Teeth You Look Like Goofy!" Yari Snapped.

"Well Your Mama So Fat Thanos Had To Snap Twice!" Yuri Said.

"We Got The Same Mommy Stupid!" Yari Said.

"No We Don't" Yuri Smirked.

"Stop! Yari You Know Better To Draw On The Walls And Doors-"

"I Ran Out Of Paper" She Said Softly.

"You Lucky It's Washable Markers, Clean It Up Now And Yuri Take Yo Ass To Your Room Before I Whoop Yo Behind" I Said Sternly. Yuri Opened His Mouth About To Say Something

"Say Something And I Promise You'll Regret It" I Said Between Gritted Teeth. Yuri Bent His Head Going Into His Room.
"Daddy It's Uneven" Yari Said As She Looked At Herself From Beys Vanity Mirror.

"Shit" I Mumbled, It Was My Thirteenth Time Doing Her Hair In Just Two Ponytails. I Went From YouTube To Google Tryna Get This Shit Right And Still Failed. Bey Was At The Grocery Store While Nola Was At Her Key Club Event And Nolan Was At One Of His Friends House And Yuri Was Upstairs Getting Ready He Was Back At Playing Soccer For Rec. I Re-parted Her Hair Trying My Best, Remembering Tips From The YouTube Video I Watched.

I Heard A Knock At The Door Making Me Look Up To See My Dad "Can I Talk To You?" He Asked.

I Finished The Second Ponytail "Alright Go Put On Your Pink Sneakers" I Said. She Walked Over To Beys Vanity "I Look Like A Princess" She Smiled.

"You Always Look Like A Princess" I Said.

"I Know" She Smiled Running Out Of The Room. I Shook My Head As My Dad Walked In Closing The Door Behind Him.

"Your Wife Talked To Me The Other Day" He Said Taking A Seat On Our Mini Couch.

"What She Say?"

"I Want To Apologize...I Took Out All My Frustration On You And My Grandchildren...My Daughter-In-Law And I Shouldn't Have" He Said Softly Looking Into My Eyes.

"Can You Promise Me One Thing?"

"What Is It?" He Asked.

"You'll Be In Your Grandchildren Lives"

"I Will" He Said.

"Now Are You Coming With Us To Yuri's Soccer Practice?" I Asked Getting Up From The Bed.

He Chuckled "Okay Son"

He Got Up And We Walked Out Of My Room "You Got A Special Wife...Keep Her For Life...You Hear Me?"

I Nodded My Head "Trust Me I'm Not Letting Go Of Her"

After Getting The Lunch Box Because Yari Will Get Hungry And Yuri Will Be Hungry After Practice And Thirsty During Practice. We Arrived At The Field Within 45 Minutes And Yuri Immediately Ran On The Field Because He Saw His Teammates Already Stretching And His Coach Don't Play.

"Daddy Your Phone Is Dying" Yari Said Laying Her Head Back On My Chest While She Sat On My Lap.

"You Can Use Mine" My Dad Said With A Soft Smile Handing It To Her.

"No Thanks" Yari Said.

"Why Didn't You Bring Your Tablet?" I Asked.

"Because I Forgot It On My Bed" She Said. I Seen Bey Walk In With Nola.

"Mommy!" Yari Yelled Causing Me To Laugh. Bey Walked In Picking Up Yari And Kissing My Lips. Nola Gave Me A Hug Kissing My Cheek.

"How Is My Babies Doing?" Bey Asked.

"Bored" Yari Said With A Sad Facial Expression.

"I'm Good, How Was Your Day?" I Asked Bey Noticed My Dad And Her Face Was In Shocked.

"Hello, Mr.Carter" She Smiled.

"Hello, How Are You?" Asked My Dad.

"Good, And You?!" Bey Asked.

"I'm Doing Alright...Hello Little One" He Said.

"Hi" Nola Said Softly Sitting Next To Bey.

We Continued To Watch Yuri As He Kicked Around The Ball Going Straight To The Goal.

"This Boy Know Nothing About Team Work" Nola Said Shaking Her Head.

"Of Course Not, He Wants To Make The Points. I Keep Telling Him About That" I Said.

We Talked More And Watched Yuri Play Until His Practice Was Over. All The Kids Decided To Leave With Bey While My Dad And I Rode Together. When We Made It Home Bey Quickly Made Some Spaghetti And Garlic Bread.

"Do I Have To Go To Nolan's Lame Party?" Nola Asked.

"Yes Ma'am" Bey Said As We Ate Up Our Food.

"Why We Can't Go?" Yuri Asked.

"Because Your Too Young" Bey Said.

"Not Fair, When Can I Go To A Party?" Yuri Asked.

"Ten Years" Nola Said.

Yuri Twisted Up His Face "That's Too Far"

"Blame Your Mom" Nola Shrugged. There Was A Knock At The Door "I'll Get It" Bey Said Getting Up From The Table. We Continued To Talk And Laugh Until Yuri Screamed "Mommy!" I Turned To See Princess With A Small Smile Spread Across Her Face.

"Hey Everyone" She Said Softly.

"Why Do You Have Bags?" Yuri Asked.

I Looked At Bey And She Had Her Eyebrow Arched Looking Highly Upset. I Let Out A Sigh.
Like I Said In The Chapter Before, I'm Trying To Update Everyday 🤧 This Chapter Was Horrible Just Like Last Chapters But I'm Tryna Make It Better 🙂

•What Do You Think About Adnis (Mr.Carter) Apologizing? Do You Think It's Sincere?

•Why Do You Think Princess Showed Up With Bags?

Peace & Blessings 🤙🏽

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