First Date

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Never in his life had he met a woman like Jackie, something about her that intrigued him.

She is definitely gorgeous and her voice has only added the icing to the cake. He can only imagine her light feathery voice moaning in his ear as he took her to heaven and back. A woman never left Jack Kennedy's bed unsatisfied, and Jackie is about to be his next testament.

He wants tonight to be special so he called Luciano's of Chicago and asked for a special secluded table by the water. Requesting a bouquet of red roses, candles lit, and the best bottle of champagne. If it means spending a little money to get the girl he is seeing to smile or get into bed then so be it. Besides he has more than enough money. 

Jack decided to dress in a white polo shirt and some black slacks with some dress shoes. Looking at his watch he has five minutes to meet Jackie downstairs. He grabs his wallet and room key before getting onto the elevator to meet her by the waiting area. 

At exactly seven pm, Jackie emerges from the elevator looking like a vision. She looks beautiful. 

He gives her his megawatt smile when she approached him.

Hello Jackie, you look beautiful," he says.

"Thank you, Jack, you clean up rather nicely, " Jackie replies blushing.

He offers her his arm and they make their way out to the waiting limo to take them to dinner.


Later that night they return to the hotel, Jack asks Jackie to come to his room for a nightcap.

Tonight was definitely what Jack said, an experience she would never forget. The setting by the water was a romantic scene, three-course dinner, the best champagne. Plus, the conversation was great.  She never laughed so much and enjoyed the stories he told her about his travels. He's an incorrigible flirt who charmed his way into her life. 

Jack finds himself becoming more attracted to Jackie as the night progressed. She is definitely different than any woman he had met. She's classy, intelligent, funny, and in her own way very beautiful. They have a lot more in common when it came to growing up with parents who had dysfunctional marriages. Both often left alone to fend for themselves. She took her solace in riding horses. He took in reading books about fictional heroes. She's a fiercely private person, but tonight they were able to talk as if they had been old friends.

"So about that nightcap?" he asks her as they walk towards the bank of elevators.

"I don't know Jack," she replies shifting the two bouquets of red roses in her arm as she looks for her room key.

"Come on Jackie, just one little drink. I promise I won't bite unless you want me to," he says with a smile.

A smile that brings color to her cheeks.

"Besides I can go to bed tonight with a smile on my face knowing the last sight I saw was your beautiful face," he says caressing the side of her face.

Jackie is fully blushing as she tries to cover her face.

"So what do you say?" he asks.

She thinks about it and she honestly didn't want the night to end.

"Ok Jack, one drink that's it," she says, pressing the button to bring the elevator to the lobby.


"I want to take my stuff to my room first and then I'll come to your room," she says when the elevator indicates that it arrived.

"Ok, I'm staying on the 19th floor, I'm in room 1960," he replies.

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