New Beginnings

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The past year for Jack has been good for him. His legal business, his investment firm has been flourishing making more money than ever before.

Jackie graduated from grad school with honors and has been working hard as a correspondent at her new job at the New York Times. What's even better is that Jackie is pregnant with their first child and she's due any day now.

Jack fell in love with Jackie's large belly. He would kiss it, rub it and talk to it; wanting his unborn child to know how excited his or her father is to meet them.

Jackie is happy that she is going to be a mother. To be able to give Jack the child he's always longed for. She can't wait to hold her little bundle of love in her arms.

Jack can't contain his excitement buying toys by the dozen. Buying only the best baby furniture, and clothes, lots and lots of clothes. Jackie didn't mind, but she didn't want him to go overboard since they decided to wait to see what the sex of their baby will be.

Jack is lying in bed rubbing Jackie's stomach while she is reading over an article she is currently working on.

He smiles when he feels the baby beginning to kick. Jackie smiles and guides her husband's hand to where the little one is beginning to kick also.

"Seems like our little one will be quite the mover," Jackie says smiling.

Jack laughs and places a gentle kiss on his wife's stomach.

"Guess we need all the energy we have to keep up with this one."

"I'm sure, I'm going to bed. Good night Bunny," Jackie replies before kissing her husband good night.

"Good night kid, good night little one. Daddy can't wait to meet you."

It's a quarter past one in the morning when Jackie wakes up. She sits up and it feels like she has to go really badly. Not wanting to wake her husband up she slowly got up out of the bed.

"Jacqueline, where are you going?" Jack asks half asleep.

"To the bathroom Jack," she replies walking towards the bathroom.

As soon as she enters the room she feels liquid gushing down her legs.

"Oh no," she moans. Then it hits her, her first contraction.

"Now you decide to come, at one in the morning," Jackie says rubbing her stomach once her contraction subsided.

She carefully walks out of the bathroom trying not to slip in the amniotic fluid.

"Jack, honey wake up, the baby is coming!" Jackie says standing next to her husband.

His eyes pop open and he looks up at his wife.

"Ok Jackie," just stay calm," Jack says sitting up.

"I am calm Jack. I already had my first contraction."

"Oh, how long ago was that?"

"I don't know honey probably five minutes ago."

It's close to 3 am when Jack takes Jackie to the hospital. Once they arrived nurses and doctors rushed her to the maternity ward.

Jack stays with his wife the entire time, not wanting to miss one minute of their child's entrance into the world. Watching the clock as the morning progressed waiting for any signs for the little Kennedy's movement.

Jackie has fallen asleep. She looks beautiful and so peaceful. He says a quiet prayer thanking God for bringing Jackie into his life, and that their baby will be born healthy.

Jack made sure the entire time Jackie was pregnant, that she ate healthily and stayed active. He went with her to every Lamaze class and every doctor's appointment. Not wanting any harm to come to his little one, he smoked his cigars outside on the balcony.

Now here they are in the hospital just moments away from meeting the little creation that God allowed them to create.

He sits back and thinks of the night he and Jackie had conceived. They had gone out to dinner for Valentine's day and Jackie was being flirtatious and naughty all evening. Once they got home, she decided to start getting things heated by kissing him. He groaned and felt himself becoming weak from his wife's touch. She was intoxicating him with each kiss.

They were so hot for each other, he just got right to the point. It felt so good that he didn't want it to stop. He wasn't sure if it was the first time or the second, third, or the fourth time when he got Jackie pregnant. So when Jackie told him a couple of weeks later she was pregnant he wasn't surprised.

Jackie opens her eyes and looks over at her husband.

"Are you ok sweetheart?" Jack asks looking at Jackie.

"I'm fine, just ready for this baby to come out already," she replies with a sigh.

Just then the nurse comes in.

"How much longer do I have?" Jackie asks when the nurse picks up the tape that comes from her monitor.

"Not too much longer Mrs. Kennedy," the nurse replied with a smile.

It was a little past twelve noon that Jackie's contractions are closer and closer. Her nurse comes in to check on her and her vitals. Once her nurse looks at the tape she runs out to get a doctor. A moment later the nurse and two doctors return.

"Ok Mrs. Kennedy it almost time, you're only 9 centimeters."

"Ok, please take it out," Jackie groans when her contraction hits her again.

Jackie begins to grip the sheets until her knuckles turn white.

"Mrs. Kennedy are you sure that you don't want the epidural?" the anesthesiologist asks.

"No I'm going to do this naturally," Jackie replies sharply.

Jack on the other hand is standing beside his wife, unsure of what to do. He wants to help her, but he doesn't know what to do other than hold her hand.

"Jackie, here sweetheart try to suck on this ice cube."

Jackie opens her mouth letting her husband put the ice cube inside her mouth. He stands back watching the doctors prep his wife for delivery.

After what seemed like forever John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. was born at twelve twenty-two pm on November 25th.

While they cleaned Jackie up, Jack holds their newborn son. Jack feels a couple of tears flow down his face as he looked into the face of his son. He cant believe he is finally a father.

"Hey little guy, I'm your dad," Jack says shaking his son's little hand.

Little John makes a face and opens his eyes. Jack smiles at his son, in that moment he feels full of pride. A son to carry on the Kennedy name and possibly take over his legal business. He doesn't want his son to follow his footsteps but to grow up and be a better man than he was.

"He's beautiful," Jackie says looking into her son's face.

"He is," Jack replies with more tears flowing down his cheek.

"Thank you, Jackie," Jack says.

"For what?" she asks confused.

"For showing me how beautiful love can be and for giving me a son," Jack replies before placing a kiss on his wife's lips.

"You're welcome," she smiles before returning her attention to John.

The happiness they both feel can't be put into words. Their family is complete.

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