
978 11 3

Jack is sitting on the sofa watching a replay of the Harvard-Yale game on ESPN while John Jr. napped. With Jackie going back to work, Jack decided to work from home so he can spend more time with his son. Also he felt like he would do a better job at watching Jr. while he and Jackie search for a reliable day nanny.

Taking a brief moment away from his work Jack checks on Jr. who seems to be awaking from his third or maybe fourth nap since this morning .

"Hey there, how about hanging out with your old man for a little while?" Jack says picking John up out of his pack n play, "gives us a chance to spend some time together before your mother gets home."

Jr. opens his eyes to see where the familiar voice was coming from causing Jack to smile. Since Jr. birth, Jack enjoys the role of being a father. Finally feeling the happiness and joy that his brother's feel when he sees them with their children. He feels complete, everything in his life is better with Jackie and John Jr. in it.

Jack goes into the kitchen island to look at the time table Jackie wrote down for when it's time for Jr. to be fed. Looking at his watch it's a quarter past two meaning that it's time fo Jr. to eat again. With John putting his little hand in his mouth is another indication that he is ready to eat.

"According to your mother's list it's time for you to eat so lets get your bottle warmed up."

Jack puts Jr.'s bottle in a pot of water to heat it up. The timer goes off fifteen minutes later and Jack takes the bottle out. He checks to make sure the milk is not too hot before he gives it to John.

After John finishes off his bottle Jack burps him before settling back on the sofa. Just then Jack's phone rings. He reaches over and picks it up off the coffee table seeing that it's Jackie calling probably to check on John.

"Hey kid."

"Hi Bunny," the soft voice replies on the other end.

"Jackie," Jack groans. The last thing he wants is for one of her co-workers to hear the nickname she has for him.

"Jack I'm by myself, no one can hear me inside my car," she replies.

"Oh, how's work?"

"Work is good, I'm trying to wrap up this story before I work on the next one my boss wants me to cover."

"Sounds like you're getting more stories kid, next thing we know you'll be taking up the whole front page."

"We'll see, but it does feel nice to know that my boss trusts my abilities."

"Why not? You're intelligent, beautiful, classy, the list can go on."

"Thank you Bunny. Where's John?"

"He's right here, he's just finished his bottle right before you called."

"Good, can you put him on speakerphone so I can speak to him?"

Jack puts his phone on speaker so John can hear his mother's voice.

"John, my angel I miss you," Jackie's voice fills the room causing John to look around as if he's trying to find his mother.

"What is he doing Jack?" she asks when she hears her son coos.

"He's looking around, I think he's looking for you."

"Aww mummy will be home soon, I love you John,"

"I love you too Jackie," Jack replies knowing Jackie was talking to their son.

"I love you too Jack," she replies laughing, "I'll see you both in a little while."

"We'll be here."

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