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"Are you sure you've seen Kennedy's girlfriend running in this park before?" asks Sam.

"Yea boss," says Davis looking through the cracked limo window.

"Ok when she comes we grab her," Sam says.

"Got it, boss!"

Jackie is running with her earphones on not paying attention to the big man following her behind her. Next thing she knows someone grabs her from behind and everything goes dark.


Jack has been moody since he and Jackie have broken up. Correction, since he broke up with Jackie.

In the office, everyone tries to avoid him afraid that he'll take out his wrath on them. He's short-tempered and snappy. When he's out with another female he's gets annoyed easily and ends up taking her home right after dinner.

Sex is unsatisfactory, even when he's with two girls it still doesn't feel as good as being with Jackie. He wishes he can just get her out of his system so he could go back to the way things were before he met her.

He leaves the office early irritated and restless. He just wants to go home and sulk in his newfound misery. A couple of times he's thought about picking up the phone to call Jackie but his pride won't let him.

Jack Kennedy never sweats over any woman," he keeps telling himself.

Then why is Jackie in every dream when he closes his eyes. Why the thought of another man making love to Jackie has caused him to break a few glasses. Why did he take the boxes of things Jackie returned, left in the box and put in the guest room unopened.

He's even tried to find reasons why he is better off without Jackie. Desperately trying to find ways of how he could turn himself off from her. The reasons he came up with are ridiculous. She's too young, too naive, and most importantly she wants to get married.

Getting married is something Jack swore he would never do. Never understand why people did it. Look at his parents. His mother and father had a real problematic marriage that Jack couldn't understand.

Jack's father Joe constantly cheated on his mother, even go as far as having his mistress over for dinner. Rose his mother, was constantly fleeing going on trip after trip, leaving him and his siblings with their governesses and nannies. He couldn't understand how his parents ended up with nine children.

Jack was often sick when he was young due to having a weak immune system which resulted in being hospitalized often. In his childhood, Jack has had the flu at least ten times or more; malaria, tuberculosis, measles, chickenpox, and a few others. He was left alone in the hospital a scared and weak little boy who wanted the comfort of his mother.

There were nights in the hospital little John would cry himself to sleep because his mother wouldn't come and see him. He couldn't even remember a time where his mother or father ever told him that they loved him. He doesn't even think they loved each other.

Growing up Jack's father always told him that Kennedy's don't cry and to show emotion is showing your weakness. Joe ran his house like it was the military and expected his children to fall in line.

Jack felt like he couldn't go and talk to his father about his problems because his father rarely made himself available or afraid of being yelled at.

Jack's younger brother Robert also known as Bobby was often ignored by his father because he showed emotion and made his feelings known. His father told him that his brother was a sissy and was too much like his mother.

Something Jack swore that he would never do if he has children of his own.  He also couldn't understand is how his father didn't see how strong Bobby is and is the most like him.


When Jackie came to, she realizes that she is in an unfamiliar room tied to a chair. She has a splitting headache and her mouth is really dry like she hadn't had anything to drink in days.

"Where am I?" she says looking around.

Just then she hears someone come in behind her.

"Well look who's finally awake," says the unfamiliar voice.

When he finally came in front of her she is surprised to so no one other than Sam Giancana himself.  Instantly she feels a chill run down her spine.

"Why am I here?" she asks nervously.

"Your boyfriend and I have some unfinished business. He killed one of my men and eventually I will get my revenge by taking you away from him. It will be a shame to kill such a beautiful piece of God's artwork," Sam says before kissing the top of Jackie's sweat covered forehead before walking out of the room.

Jackie is terrified, can't believe that she is caught up in the middle of Jack and Sam's feud. Not only has John Kennedy broken her heart, now he's the reason she's going to be killed.

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