Bachelor & Bachelorette

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The wedding is only a little over 24 hours away and Jackie is excited yet really nervous. Jack, on the other hand, is more relaxed and is looking forward to marrying his soon to be wife. He is at his office taking care of his last-minute paperwork before being out of the office for two weeks. One week for being on their honeymoon and the second for pure relaxation. Jackie is at school taking the last of her finals.

The last few weeks have been very stressful for her and he's been as supportive as he can. He helped her move into his apartment with him, even going as far as arranging for her furniture to be sold and donated. He would leave her alone to study only disturbing her when it was time for her to eat.

Now that Jackie lives with him, it feels homier. She's like the missing puzzle piece missing from his life. Holding her in his arms feels good and he's noticed that his sleep has increased a little. Doesn't help that she wears flimsy satin nighties to bed which has him wanting to peel it off her. Jackie however, made it clear that even though she accepted his apology and his proposal she isn't having sex with him until they get married.

Fast forward to now, in the next twenty-four hours he'll be marrying the woman who completely changed his life for the better. The woman who will carry their future children. Right now he needs to call his soon to be sister-in-law Lee to see if Jackie is home so he can get his clothes before going to the hotel. He picks up the phone and dials Lee's number. Lee picks up on the third ring,


"Hi Lee, it's Jack."

"Hi, Jack."

"I'm calling to see if Jackie is home yet, so I can come and get my clothes."

"She isn't here now, but when I last talked to her she said she was coming straight home after her last final. She should probably be on her way, but let me call her and see where she is?"


"I'll call you back," Lee says before hanging up.

Fifteen minutes later Lee calls back to inform him that Jackie is going to 5th Avenue to do some last-minute shopping before coming home. Jack grabs his things and leaves his office to go home.

After packing his bag, Jack makes his way to the Waldorf Astoria which is where he and Jackie will be staying before flying out for their honeymoon. He checks in and heads up to their suite for a little relaxation before his bachelor party which is only a few hours away. Knowing Mac and his men, tonight is going to be a sending off party that he'll never forget.


"Come on in Jack, everyone is here waiting for you," Mac says opening the door letting Jack inside the suite.

Mac had went all out with a buffet of Jack's favorite foods, an open bar with a bartender, and most importantly Cuban cigars.

Jack is happy to see his brothers, Dean, some of his men from his company as well as his organization. Jack makes his rounds before he joins Mac at the bar who greets him with a drink.

"So how do you feel? Just think around this time you and Jackie will be husband and wife."

"I feel good. I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with the woman I love."

"Jackie's a great girl Jack. You did very well for yourself," Bobby says says to his brother.

"Thank you, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me," Jack replies before taking a sip of his drink.

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