I love You

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The sound of the machine continuously beeping filled the room. Jack sits at the side of Jackie's bed watching as her chest steadily rose and fell. The past twenty-four hours had been a complete nightmare for him. Worry etched in his features as he awaited the doctors to tell him whether they were able to save Jackie. They were able to save her, thankfully, but they need to keep her under observation. To make sure the lack of oxygen didn't do any damage to her brain. Now he sits here and watches her, not wanting to leave her side.

After the doctors told him she is stable he then went to work on getting in touch with Jackie's parents. Once he was able to get in contact with them he explained to them what happened to their daughter. A few hours later Jackie's parents and siblings arrived at the hospital to see her. Her parents are relieved that their daughter will be ok, yet they are upset that this happened due to Jack.

He apologized to her parents and swore that nothing like this would ever happen again. Unfortunately, he had to meet them under these circumstances, but he is glad to have finally have met them. While Jackie's parents spent time with their daughter, Jack had excused himself to go outside to have a cigar.

Now he sits here and watches her, only leaving her side when it's time for her to go for a test or he had to go to the bathroom. Mac and Margaret are on their way to watch over Jackie while Jack went home to grab some clothes and take a shower. He's been in the same clothes since yesterday and for a man like him who takes pride in his appearance, he feels like he's been in these clothes way too long.

Jack looks up when the door opens to see Mac and Margaret walking in.

"Hi Jack," Margaret says quietly before hugging Jack, "how is she?"

"Hi, Margaret. From what the doctor tells me, she's doing fine. They have her in a medically induced coma to let her rest and to give her body a chance to restore itself."

"Good," Margaret says going over to the bed.

"Thank you, Mac, for coming, I appreciate you and Margaret sitting with her while I'm gone."

"It's no problem," Mac replies, "what time will her parents come back?"

"They'll probably be back around lunch, they didn't leave until late last night," Jack replies.

Jack gets the keys to his car, before walking over to Jackie. "Hey kid, I'm going home to change. I'll be back shortly. I love you," he says before gently kissing her lips.

He thanks Mac and Margaret again before leaving to go home. After the short ride home, Jack enters his apartment heading straight to his bedroom to change. While washing his hair he pauses. For the first time in a long time, he feels like he needs to pray. To pray that Jackie makes a full recovery, that she'll give him another chance. Asked God to give him and Jackie another chance to be together. Promising to love her and to be faithful to her as long as he lives.

After dressing in a shirt and slacks, Jack quickly packs a bag wanting to get back to Jackie. Making sure everything is secure, Jack returns to the hospital.

When he arrives Jackie's parents are back, Mac and Margaret are standing to the side to allow the parents to be close to their daughter.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Bouvier," Jack greeted them.

"Good morning," they both reply in unison.

"Jack, may I speak with you for a moment?" John Bouvier asks.

"Yes sir," Jack replies as both men excuse themselves to the hallway.

Once out in the hallway, the older John turns to Jack. "So Jack, what are you going to do about my daughter's safety? I'm sure whoever is responsible will try to harm you again by harming my daughter or my daughter getting caught in the crossfire?"

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