Mommy Dearest

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Jack is sitting at his desk when his secretary's voice when her voice comes across the intercom.

"Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Rusk is here to see you."

"Thank you, let him in," Jack replies. A minute later Dean enters the room.

"There he is 'Mr. Bachelor for Life,' is now getting married," Dean says walking towards Jack's desk.

Jack laughs, " I did say that at one point in time."

"I'm happy and proud of you Jack. I always knew you had it in you."

"Thank you, I'm trying," Jack replies sitting down.

"May 12th is the big day, you nervous?"

" A little, but I know everything will be fine."

"It's ok to be nervous Jack, it's one of the biggest moments in your life. Once you see your bride, that feeling of nervousness will go away. By the way, has Jackie met your family yet?"

"Not yet."

"Shit Jack, by the time she meets your family you two will be getting ready to have a baby," Dean replies with concern in his voice.

"We're going up to the Cape this weekend so she can meet them." Dean shakes his head.

"Are you nervous about Jackie meeting your family? I know you're not exactly close to them, so I hope this meeting isn't awkward. You only see them what? Maybe once or twice a year?"

"I talk to my brother and sisters often, it's just my mother I'm worried about. She's always been so judgemental and never approved of any woman I've brought around. Beside's it's not like we have the best relationship anyway."

"I'm sure regardless of what she says you're going to still marry Jackie?" Dean asks with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, I love Jackie and I'm not going to let her stop me from being happy."

"Who's going to be your Best Man?"

"Mac" Jack replies before looking at his computer screen.

"Wow, I would've thought you would have chosen your brother Bobby."

"It was a hard decision, but Mac has always been loyal to me. He's as close to me as a brother. Bobby will be second after Mac, then Joe, Teddy, you, my brother-in-law Sarge, and a few other guys from my organization. "

"That's understandable, I'm honored to be apart of you and Jackie's special day. So how long do you two plan on waiting before starting your family?"

Jack laughs. He wasn't expecting that question and to be honest he never thought about it. "I don't know, probably when she finishes school. Up until that time, we'll just practice," Jack replies reclining in his chair.

"How much time does she have left until she graduates?"

"She has one more year left. Once Mrs. Kennedy gets her Master's degree, then we'll work on bringing forth a little Jacqueline.


Jack is quiet the entire time while they travel to Hyannis Port for Jackie to meet his family. It's not that he didn't want to see his family, he just didn't want to deal with his mother's holier-than-thou attitude. Mother and son relations have been tarnished since Jack was a sickly little boy.

Jack resents his mother for leaving him in the hospital during a time when a child needs their mother the most. His father even though didn't visit that often did come to see him more than his mother. The senior Kennedy was hard on his children instilling in them that emotions equated a weak character. Throughout his marriage to Jack's mother, he was never faithful.

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