Chapter 1 Part 1

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Day 391.

His laughter was music to my ears. The way he smiled made me want to cry tears of joy because he is so perfect. I am in love with his deep, raspy voice. When we make eye contact my beart skips a beat because I am so nervously suprised that someone of his character would even look my way.

"What are you thinking about?" His oh so delicate voice asked behind me. I jumped in shock as his hands came in contact with my skin. Three years and he still manage to make me desperatley nervous.

"Just thinking," I reply smiling and grazing my finger across his astounding jawline. He smiles and leans in for a kiss. I feel his smile on my lips as we part.

"What are you thinking about, love?" He retorted, still hovered over me. I stare into his deep brown eyes. My eyes wander to his hair. A rare birthmark was intact. Causing little but inexplicably noticable white hairs to have been engraved in his head sprouting from his skull. He was born with it as he told me once before. I found it adorable.

"You. Us. Our future." I answer gazing into his eyes. His lips curl upward into a soft smile. His eyes were filled of so much love and wonder at the moment. Placing his fingers under my chin, he said slowly,

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you," His warm minty breath was now all I could smell. It happened again. My heart skipping a beat, I mean. I smiled in awe.
I stood up and held his face in my hands.

"As do I," I then reached for his warm embrace of a hug. He was my best friend, my boyfriend, all in one. I couldn't possibly have been blessed with anyone better.

We spent the rest of that night eating chinese food and watching 'The Walking Dead'.  It was one of those nights that you never want to fall asleep for fear that you'd wake up and loose the memory of it all. But that wasn't the case. I knew he would always be there. Right here through thick and thin. I fell asleep with his arm slinged over the side of my stomach. I slowly closed my eyes not wanting the night to be over. But in a flash, it was.


The morning sun woke me up with it's vibrant glare. I rolled over only to be staring at the man of my soon to be dreams.

I smirked to myself as I got up. Remembering I was still at his house, I quietly washed my faced and got ready to leave to get ready for school. Being late to college was not on my agenda. As I opened the door to leave his room, I heard him mumble something as he turned on his back.

"Hey, where are you going?" He murmured sleepily.

"The place where I need to go to achieve my dreams," I said giggiling. He smirked.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few, drive safe okay?" He replied drifting back to sleep.

"Love you," I told him hopelessly knowing he was fast asleep again. I closed the door and headed out of the house quietly and into my car.

Pulling into the driveway of my school after somehwhat of a 45 minute drive, I put my car in park and headed into the
building. I was studying photography. The art of capturing the real essence of a moment really intrigued me. This is what I wanted to do with my life. I had it all planned out.

"Hey girl," Lena said as she came over and nudged me on my way to my 6th class. I gave her a smiled, clutching my books to my chest.

"How's it going?" She asked me in her bubbly voice. I met Lena in my Freshman year. She has been a great friend to me ever since.

"Great actually," I replied in all honesty.

"Sooooo things good with your boo I'm guessing," she asked with no remorse, knowing I was kind of private about that topic.

I gave her a look as she mouthed the words "sorry" incoherently.

I smiled acknowledging her persistent personality.

"We are fine right now. Were in a really great place and I couldn't be happier," I told Lena. Due to the fact that her life was dull when it came to romance, she was all under my nose about my love life whenever she could be. But I couldn't blame her. Some say that what me and my boyfriend have is special and rare. I was never going to let him go.


A dreadfull 3 classes later, I finally arrived home. I grabbed a granola bar and a powerade from the fridge on my way to my room. My phone rang as soon as I propped myself on my bed comfortably.

"Hey, what happened to you today?" I asked moments after swiping right.

"Hey sorry, I was really tired. I don't know what was up." He told me seeming serious.

"Well, that's okay but, are you? Are you stressed? Do you need me to stop coming over for awhile? If I'm a distration, I can--"

"Hey hey listen, your fine. If anything you help me focus more than ever. Don't forget that ok?" A warm tingly sensation made it's way through my body. But then again what was new? His way with words still gets me till this day.

"Ok, Call you later?" I say dismissing the subject not want him knowing that I was blushing massively on the other line.

He chuckled as if he already knew.

"How about see you later?" He asked waiting for my reply.

I smiled to myself. "Sure," I hung up and layed down on my bed staring at my wall. Homework could wait. I was exauhsted. I shortly fell asleep and didn't wake up until the next morning.

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