Chapter 8 Part 1

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I was on my way to the pizza parlor after school. It wasn't that far so I walked. I arrived and saw Maddie waiting for me.

"Hey!" She said ecstatically. She motioned for me to join her and the cluttered papers around her. I sat down with a fake smile on my face.

"So where should we start?" She asked me. I smiled hesitantly.

"What exactly does this project consist of again? I kind of dozed of in in class earlier," I felt stupid. Maddie was so smart and bright. No wonder she felt bad for me. I planned to talk to her about her reason for wanting to work with me all of a sudden.

"Oh, we are supposed to create a utopian society. Our own idea of what we want the city of New York to look like. We have to make a power point pertaining to government, lifestyle, culture, ect," She told me all in one breath. I nodded.

"Do you want to order a pizza first?" I tried to ease her into the conversation. I know I should just bring it down on her and accuse her without thinking. But I had a different plan.

"Sure, pepperoni and sausage?" I nodded as she got up to order. I checked my phone.

The sound of police and ambulance sirens zooming by outside made me flinch. I turned around to see Aaron, Lena, and Mason walk through the doors.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked all three of them in confusion. Lena looked happy. The happiest I've seen her in a while. Aaron was here. In public. People would see him and think he was Zayden.

"We came because we needed somewhere to go. And Aaron is actually kind of cool," She answered pushing him alittle. I tried to hide the worriedness on my face as I nodded my head.

"Oh cool, me and Maddie are just working on some school stuff," They all nodded and began to walk away. Just then, Maddie was returning with the pizza and two drinks.

Maddie and Aaron collided as she wasn't paying attention. My lemonade was now all over Aaron's white T-shirt.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry! I didn't see you!" Maddie finally took her eyes from his wet shirt and up to his face. Her face then fell.

"Zayden?" She asked. Her eyes looked confused. No no no. This can't be happening.

Aaron's face fell as well. His eyes widened as the whole parlor stared at him. He finally took a deep breath.

"No, I'm Aaron, his twin brother," Everyone gasped. Half the school came here after school. Now everyone knew. Mumbles came from all over.

"What?" Maddie asked in utter confusion. She didn't really know Zayden. She had a couple of class with him but they weren't really friends. But obviously she was aware of his death and was appauled by a look-alike at a pizza parlor. All eyes were now in the middle of the floor.

Aaron went behind her and ushered her out of the store. Mason, Lena, and I followed behind.

We explained everything to her. Well, I stood further away from them so I wouldn't have a mental breakdown again. Tomorrow at school, everyone would know there's another Zay in town.

But there isn't, there was and always will be only one.

Maddie wanted to talk to me about it after.

"Was it hard? Looking at someone who looked exactly like your dead ex- boyfriend?" She asked obviously not caring how she worded it. She was beginning to feel much better about the situation now after asking him a dozen questions. But she was calm, so I had to give her that.

I managed to smile. "Yeah, and even after 5 months, it still is,"

Maddie gave me an encourging smile and glanced over at the table across from us which was taken by Aaron, Mason, and Lena. There were stares and whispers coming from the students and the little amount of adults that were present.

"Have you and Aaron ever-"

"No," I cut her off. That was not something I wanted to talk about. She nodded in acknowledgment of her inconvient choice of words.

"Well, you are really strong for dealing with all of this. Aaron seems really nice," Maddie took a sip of her lemonade that the waitress was kind enough to give her a refill of along with a new box of pizza.

"Thanks. And he is," I told her in all honesty. "He really is," I now found myself looking over at him. The way his jawline was perfectly carved. And his eyes were a light dazzling brown.

Would it be so bad if Aaron and I did date? I mean, it wasn't like I was going out with a complete stranger. He was the closest I would ever get to Zayden again.

"So, do you have any ideas for our project?" Maddie asked, dragging me out of my thoughts.

"Um, we could make it like nonjudgmental society. Anyone and everyone can be who ever they want, talk about whatever they want. Date whoever they want without anyone judging them."

Maddie slowly nodded. "Don't you think that would get out of hand? People "doing whatever they want"? She asked me chewing on her slice of pizza.

I thought it through for a second. "No. It wouldn't because we wouldn't care what they thought. Anyone who judged anyone else would be thrown in jail. Our society, should be a place where people can believe, do what ever they feel is right,"

She looked as she was beginning to understand where I was coming from.

"Ok Lady King," she chuckled. I smiled and took a bite of my pizza.

"Let's start writing all these down," she suggested, moving her plate and drink to the side. She began to write with a light blue pen with a fluffy ball at the end.

I snagged another slice of pizza and devoured it. I felt Aaron's eyes on me. I turn to see their whole table's eyes on me. I began to choke on pizza out of embarresment. They all began to laugh causing a sly smile to appear on my face also. Maddie looked up from her work and rolled her eyes playfully.

"You guys seem to get along great," she gave me a look.

"Yeah, that's the thing with him. Never a dull moment."

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