Chapter 6: The "That" Ride

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Laura's POV;

I was sitting in a bench waiting for Ross. I think that i was a little mean to Ross' sister. I don't know her name. But i know now she doesn't like me. Anyways, i gave up my popularity for Ross, but it was nothing. NOOOOOOOOO, i don't like him. Oh, talking about Ross here he comes with his car.

Ross- (In the car) Get in

Laura- (Disgusted face) What is 'That'?! (Pointing to the old rusty car)

Ross- 'That' is a car

Laura- No, 'That' is an odd looking moving thingy...

Ross- (Chuckled) A car...

Laura- Fine, don't bealive me (Got in)

Ross- (Started driving) Look, im sorry i called you a Diva

Laura- It's ok, i am one anyways. And im sorry i called you a geek

Ross- It's fine

Laura- (Noticed he had glasses) Hey, were did you get new glasses?

Ross- Well, Rydel drove me home then i went to my room and got my other pair of glasses then you called to pick you up

Laura- You have two pair of glasses!

Ross- Yea, one is for always, and the other one is incase

Laura- Have you ever thought of being popular?

Ross- Yes, but i don't know if i should, i don't wanna bully someone and i don't want them to bully me

Laura- Yea, i know

Ross- (Stopped the car) We're here (Got out)

Laura- (Got out) Uh Ross?

Ross- Yea?

Laura- I don't wanna go in

Ross- Why?

Laura- The first time i was here i was kinda mean to your sister

Ross- And?

Laura- I called her a freak

Ross- Well just say sorry

Laura- What??? (Confused)

Ross- Please tell me you know what sorry means... (Gave her a hoping look)

Laura- Nooooo

Ross- Oh boy... -.-

Laura- Hehehe

Ross- Ok, sorry means you're apologizing

Laura- Don't use bigger words!!

Ross- Ok... Just go inside and tell this to Rydel... "Look, Rydel, im so sorry i called you a freak is just i wasn't in the best mood"

Laura- Who's Rydel?

Ross- My sister! Are you ready to go inside?

Laura- Yes! (Both walked to the door)

Ross- (Taking out his keys)

Laura- (Panicked) I forgot my line!!!

Ross- Just say sorry! (Entered the house)

Laura- (Breath in and out) Ok (Entered the house)

Ross- IM HOME!!!!

Rydel- (Walked in the room) Hi Ro- Oh you...

Laura- (Saw Rydel) Im sorry i called you a freak, i actually didn't mean it

Rydel- It's ok, Friends?

Laura- Friends

Ross- Yea yea, enough about girly thingys, c'mon Laura

Laura- Ok (Both went to Ross' room)


Ross- Dude, we're not doing that anymore!!

Laura- (Laughed) Don't worry, what's your name?

Ryland- Ryland

Laura- Don't worry Ryland, i'll be here like all the time

Ryland- YOU GUYS ARE DATING?!?!?!?!

Ross & Laura- (Looked at eachother) NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Ryland- Jeez sorry... (Walked out)

Ross- Finally! Ok, so heres the photo and the articles we have to- (Looked at her)

Laura- (Starring at Ross not listening at what he says)

Ross- (Notice she was looking at him) Like what you see? (Smirked)

Laura- (Disgusted face) Not. At. All.

Ross- Well, why are you looking at me?

Laura- We have to have a makeover

Ross- WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!


Hi guys!!! Love all the votes and comments! Thank you!!! Love ya! 💜💙

~KitKat 💛

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