Chapter 43: Me And My Broken Heart

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Laura's POV;

I was walking walking down the street with Max. Nope, he doesn't have a car. But Ross does...

But that doesn't matter, right?

Sure, we're in New York and all the streets are... Yucky..but at least Max is with me.

It starts raining lightly. Max takes out an umbrella! He's gonna give it to me!! He's such a sweetheart!! And he's also-

Nevermind... He took out his umbrella for himself. He could at least give me his jacket!

Laura: Aren't you gonna share that umbrella with me?

Max: No way, woman! Get your own umbrella, this is mine!

He's just a gentlemen -.-

Ross would have given me both. His jacket AND his umbrella.

After like 40 minutes the rain had finally stopped. I WAS SOAKED!!! He was all clean! Ugh...

We were still walking when he stopped in his tracks, so i did the same.

He got out a black box, and went on one knee...

Max: Dear Trash Can Toilet, will you marry me?

Oh my Lord, just kill me now...

Laura: Um, i don't know what to say... Except who's Trash Can Toilet?

Max: Oh wrong one...

He put the one he had in his pocket and took out another black box.

Max: Paula Sherr-

Laura: Ohhkay, were are you going with this?

Max: Paula, will you marry me?

Laura: Who the heck is Paula?! Why in the world would i want to marry a guy who doesn't even know my name?! We've only been dating for 4 day!!! Are you kidding me?!?

Max: So is that a yes?

---------HATRED LOVE----------

I was running to the Lynch house. I couldn't help it anymore so i left Max.

I was crying and wipping the tears away. Clearly, it wasn't working. My vision became blurry because of the crying.

It started raining heavily. Great! Just great!!

I kept running with tears in my eyes, but i just gave up and put my hands down not bothering wiping them away. I kept running.

Everything i saw was blurry. But i swear i see lights coming to me. Is that a car? Oh who am i kidding just end me already!!!

I then felt to arms wrap around me and i fell in the cold hard ground with someone on top of me.

???: Hey, you ok? You almost got hit by a car, your lucky i was there Laura!!

I already knew who's voice it was.

Laura: Thanks for saving me, but i really have to go! Bye Riker!

Riker: Hey why are yo-

And to late... I was already running for the Lynch's. Although, he is a Lynch. I just need my Lynch...

After 5 minutes i got there. I knock on the door and Ross opened it.

Ross: Laura? What are you doing here? Come in! It's raining!

I quickly came in and hugged him. He gladly hugged back, although, im soaked. Then he pulled away.

Ross: C'mon lets talk in my room

We went to his room and we both sat on the bed.

Ross: Explain...

Laura: He proposed...

Ross: Oh.. Did you say yes?

Laura: No....

Ross: Why?! I thought you loved him!

Laura: Well, he messed my name up, and he asked me on the street, he's so romantic -,-

I felt warm lips on mine, wait what? Ross is kissing me? This is weird... And the fact that i felf sparks!

But the most weardest thing yet is....





I kissed back...


Cliffy! Yay Raura!!! Whooooo!!!!! Well, it's about time! Chapter 42 and that's there first kiss. I was so slow on raura. But hey! Made a chapter!! Who liked this?

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