Chapter Sixteen

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"COME ON ALREADY!" Pidge screamed like a Banshee dragging Hunk to the McClains door step.

"I'm walking as fast as my chubby legs will take me girl!"

Pidge scoffed and walked in the home, she knew Keith was staying here cause he was kicked out? She wasn't sure Ava didn't explain much, and Hunk well. He was just as confused.

As they stepped inside they both watched in awe as Lance and his family were all singing and dancing, Lance seemed to be in his own world singing louder then everyone else. 'Like usual" Pidge thought.

Pidge looked around for Keith, 'where is he?'

When she spotted the mullet head she chuckled lightly tapping Hunk pointing to the stairwell, Keith's sitting hiding behind the banister, staring at Lance. And only Lance.

A small blush forming on his pale cheeks as the music changed to a Spanish song, hearing Lance speak Spanish? This would he the end of him.

"PIDGEN!" Lance little brother Max yelled running over and tackling the poor girl, Keith jumped seeing those two.

'Wait, did they see me? Oh, crap.' He took off up the stairs to hide.

Lance smiled at them, then he noticed Keith run upstairs? He did see him earlier watching them. Lance said to his mom gently, "I'm going to go get Keith... Can you-?"

Mama nodded giving him a tight squeeze on his sun kissed cheek, "Sì" He nodded smiling a little as he ran up the stairs to his room.

As he walked in Keith wasn't there? He looked around a bit the bathroom door was closed. 'guess he's getting dressed?'

"Hey Keith?" He questioned sitting on his bed, a weird strangled "y-yeah?" Came in return.

"I was thinking since. It's still the weekend and all. You want to go visit my families farm? It's across town my dad stays there over weekends to keep it tidy. I just want you to have" He rambled a little then just stopped staring at the small box on the floor.

"Yeah! Uh.. Sounds nice actually!." Lance gently nodded picking up the lid on the box with his foot. 'I wonder what she gave him?' He quickly dropped is foot when he heard Keith moving.

The bathroom door creaked open, to reveal a nice dressed Keith? Lance heart stopped as he stared into those purple eyes filled with uncertainty.

"Your...sister. Um, May? Was it?....Left these out and put my name on them.. They okay?"

Lance's eyes scanned the black tight skinny jeans, and red button up that was open to a grey shirt under it. They fit him perfectly! Lance nodded trying to hide the blush forming.

"You look g-great!" He stuttered out his face turning redder then an apple, Keith blushed stepping closer, "This won't get ruined on a farm?" He geatured to the clothing kinda nervously.

"No, no! Um..Unless we roll around with the pigs which.. Is likely..I mean not likely? Am I rambling I think I am!"

Lance stood looking at the door then speaking faster then Keith could process, "Pidge and Hunk are downstairs, we should eat! With them! I mean...Yeah!"


As they made there way down the steps, they could hear Hunk and Pidge laughing, "You got pictures!?"

Lance stopped midway, "Oh, no she didn't." He glanced at Keith who whispered, "What?"

"My mother. Got out. The photo album.....Help me steal them?"

Keith stared amused shaking his head, "No way. It's to risky." Lance grabbed Keith's hand dramatically and said "Nothing is to risky, let's sneak behind them and take them!" He gestured wildly.

"Fine.. But I get to look in them."

Before Lance could protest Keith snuck down the rest of the way, barrel Rolling across the doorway silently then gestured Lance to follow.

He stared for a minute before smiling like a child and following Keiths moves, that were done way more poorly then Keith.

He might've smacked the wall with his foot a few times. Gaining attention from everyone but the three talking.

Keith saw the box of photo album's on the table and Maya standing by Pidge and Hunk who were giggling more at a story she was telling them.

The mullethead slowly moved closer stopping out of line of sight and looking back to Lance.

Who... Was laying on a dog bed? Under a cover... Oh god. Keith bite his bottom lip holding in the laugh bubbling from his throat, Lance waved his hands on all types of gestures.

"What?" Keith mouthed back.

He shook his head looking back to the mission objective. He saw a opening between the chairs and gave a smirk and glanced back to Lance who just face palmed.

He army crawled behind the table, putting his fingers to his mouth 'shushing' little Hunter and everyone else at the table who started giggling as they saw him. Keith gently lifted the box off the table then ducked down under the table. Keith felt all the pain in his body but he wasn't gonna stop this moment it was the best fun he's had in years.

Lance moved closer and gestured to slide it to him, Keith nodded and before he could he heard the voice, "Keith?" Mamas voice was confused.

He quickly threw the box it sliding against the floor to Lance.

"RUN" Lance screamed taking off out the room with everyone rolling in there seats of laughter. Keith smiled as Hunter gave him a fist bump under the table.

"Keith?" He stared at the feet of his friends, seeing Maya running after Lance.

"He's not here... Right now... Leave a message?" Keith spoke nervously.

From somewhere else in the house he heard Lance's laughter grow more.

Pidge bent down clearly amused, "You of all people? I love it!"

Keith laughed a little coming out from under the table, he bowed slightly and said loud enough for Lance to snort giving away his hiding spot to Maya, "It was the hardest mission I ever taken part in!"

Lance's unmanly scream was heard then followed by laughter as his mom dragged him back to the kitchen with the box, "I failed my king!" Lance surrendered the box and put a sad face on.

"Aww my poor queen, next time" Keith bowed slightly. Taking Lance's hand.

"Oh god. There is two of them. We released the Lance's."

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