Twenty five

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"Keith? What you doing out here?" I stared off at the view from the patio of Shiros apartment, I subconsciously touched my healing rib waiting for a impact.

"You alright?" A hand touched my shoulder I flinched but nodded. I could hear Allura whispered, "It's best to let him come to us." Shiro gently let go, "Will be inside if you need us."

I nodded slowly staring back into the small town, I missed Lance. I been staying here for almost three weeks, Lance visited on the weekend but that's only for a hour tops.

I sighed letting the cool air take my breath, I felt alone again, but I was with my "real" Family. Shiro and Allura always been there for me... In a different way.

Tears stung my eyes as I started sobbed against the railing, he's in jail why am I crying?! Maybe, because I'm the fuck up who didn't tell anyone! I was the idiot!' I grabbed the edge of the railing wishing I could do it.

Soon enough I had Shiro at my side pulling me inside, I didn't notice the voices around me I only could hear myself sobbing and Dave's remarks of how useless I am, played again and again in my mind.

I could feel Shiro in front of me yelling things trying to touch my shoulders but I flinched away scared. 'I'm not safe. Im not safe. I will never be safe, her death is my fault he will find me. He will kill me. He almost did, I basically am dead. Am I dead? I barely made it out this could be a dream in heaven..hell? I don't know anymore!'

After a entrity of reliving the memories on repeat. I heard the buzzer go off again and again. The door flung open minutes later.

"KEITH!" I heard something fall and then my face was pulled into shaking hands, I tried to pull away crying more till through my tears I made out blue eyes. "L-lance?" I grabbed the hands holding onto my face.

I saw the figure nod, and a choked out "yes, I'm here!" I lost it. I jumped ontop of him and sobbed louder into his chest, arms wrapped around me holding my tightly.

"Mi Amor. Please, Please don't cry." Lance's voice was strained and I felt him shaking, I breathed in his smell of salty ocean and minty breeze. I whispered moving closer to him. "Don't l-leave." As I calmed slowly I heard his sweet voice hum back, "never, mi Amor" I felt him shift moving me more on him. "Shiro. Call my mother, por favor."

I heard heavy foot steps run to the other room, "do you want me to get Keith's bedroom set up?" I heard Alluras worried tone question.

I felt Lance nod, when the foot steps left, he whispered in my hair, "Please.. Don't scare me like that, Are you okay?"

I nodded sniffing, I moved my arms around him and put my head in the crook of his neck, "I'm-.. Please don't leave me." I let the tears fall from my eyes. My body still shaking.

Lance hugged my lower back, "never, Te amo. never."








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