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"What do I wear?" Keith questioned looking towards Ava who was braiding Maya's hair, "Why don't we take you shopping?" Questioned Pidge who was looking through Lance's things on his desk, "But I don't have money Pidgen.."

"Think we got you covered." A smile grew onto everyone's face, Lance happened to come in his room to see all the woman and Keith looking nervous, "You're not scaring mi cariño are you?" keith blushed lightly looking out the window at the kids playing in the backyard. "Lancey!" Hunters voice grew.

Lance looked down at the toddler holding Lizzy, "She was crying!" Lance smiled kindly taking the infant, but instead of her stopping screaming she reached out for Keith screaming louder. A smile grew wider then ever before as Keith took the infant, he cooed down at her and kissed her forehead, "Amor, Don't cry." She slowly giggled and used her baby fists to wipe at her tears.

Everyone stared in awe at the sight, Keith had the most purest smile in the whole world, he looked up at Lance not noticing everyone, "She likes me more." he gently stuck his tongue out and swayed his hips back and forth as the infant snuggled against him. "I agree, But that's fine with me."

"LANCE! LET'S GO!" George yelled up the stairs, "Ughhhhh, I'll see you later tonight. Te amo." Lance kissed Keith's cheek everyone awed in response making the two blush, "I love you too" Keith smiled a bright toothy smile back.

As Lance left, the girls got to work, Mama McClain taking the infant, Ava latching onto Keith's arm, Pidge grabbing Lance's old backpack for the shopping spree their gonna do. They all dragged Keith out the home.

'This is gonna be fun' Keith thought to himself as he watch the woman talk about a color that would bring out Keith's eyes.


I'm backkkkkkkkkkkk.

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