Twenty two

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Keith walked in the old run down home, his ears ringing from all the yelling in the truck on the way back. And a few hits to the side of his skull.

He stared at the worse condition of the house, the rug was almost black from the original yellow color, the walls looked to be used as a punching bag, and the floor? Well, it was still the stained wood flooring.

He glanced around and noticed a hand on the floor, he stepped closer glancing back nervously at the truck seeing Dave was still in it.

'Karen?' He thought.

He stepped around the sofa seeing Karen on the floor, he shivered taking a step back, her neck was bruised, and she wasn't moving. Her eyes that were wide open weren't moving either, almost like they were glued open. Her skin held a off white color. 'She's... She is...' He bent down slightly ready to puke.


He jumped back hearing the truck door shut, he raced upstairs running to his old bedroom, he didn't notice his breathing was crazy till he was locking the deadlock on his old room. He dropped to the floor gasping into his hands, was this panicking? He never felt this way before.

His body ached not from physical pain but from... Being scared? No, Being terrified. He heard the front door slam and the drop of the keys on the old coffee table, "Hey honey, He's home."

Keith stared at the floor.

'If I leave, If I call the police.....He'll kill me... if I do anything I'm dead!'

He quickly open the box he tossed on the floor, he stared at the different papers. None were helpful in this case.. Definitely since he didn't have a phone. It was ruined the day at the park.

He jumped slightly at the sound of footsteps, a soft knock came on the door, "Let me in." Dave's voice was calm but stern. Keith shook his head backing away, far away from the door, banging continued and the yelling eventually became louder.

As he went to climb out the window the door collapsed into the dusty floor revealing a red-eyed monster, he tore a needle from his left arm throwing it across the room.

Keith yelped quickly trying to climb through the small window, but a hand grabbed Keith forcing him back hitting the ground hard. "You see what you caused!-" Dave punched hard into Keith's stomach.

"You worthless orphan! Karen was so happy before you! But she cried and cried!! Every. Fucking. Night! All she wanted was a kid!" Dave repeatedly punched Keith's face and chest.


His hands gripped the breathless boy below him, "She was so happy! Then you came along! HE'S SUCH A BRIGHT KID! SHE SAID" His grip tightened.

"She wasted her time with you! Such a bright kid? You're worthless I told her that everyday! Since day one!! You reminded me of my father!" Dave slammed Keith's head down.

"THEN! She started drinking and taking pills!" The pale boys hands weakly pulled at the hands that snaked around his neck. "She turned evil because of you!"

Keith's eyes slowly starting closing, he could feel his slowing heart beat in his ringing ears.

He wasn't ready, he wanted to cry, he wanted to scream. He wasn't ready to give up. He was worth more than this monster thought of him.

Darkness took over the evil man slowly disappearing into the darkness.














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