Twenty one

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Months went by and Keith was becoming part of the family, he was funny and caring, and would help anyone that needed it.

He sat in the livingroom of the McClain's residence rocking little Lizzy in the grand rocking chair, which was normal size but to Keith his tiny frame made it look giant.

He smiled softly down at the infant, she was cooing and playing happily with her toes, he rocked gently bringing his legs up sitting preschool style in the chair.

Lance was humming while cleaning the dinning room for supper, it was peaceful.

Till the door bell rang.

"I'll get it!" Lance called out putting the rag down and running to the door.

Lizzy jumped in Keith's arms staring at him with big eyes, he stared down confused, "What's wrong Izzy?"
She screamed loudly grabbing at Keith's face, "What's wrong?" He said worried. 'Did I do something wrong?'

But, before the infant could magically answer; a deep voice spoke in return, "Keith Kogane." Keith stared up all color dropped from his face, the baby in his arms cried and grabbed ahold of Keith's hand.

Keith shook his head mumbling, "W-What..Are you doing here?"

Lance stared concerned at the mysterious man, he was tall and very strong looking, he demanded to come talk to Keith. Basically pushed him out the way.

"I came to take you home." Keith stared down sadly at the bundle of tears the baby was in. "I..Okay." He stood up slowly, speaking soft words to the infant, "I'll come visit...Okay, Izzy?" He gently laid her in the crib, stepping closer to the man. All protective thoughts came to mind. 'I cannot let him hurt them.'

"Keith, You don't-" Keith raised his hand slowly, "Lance..Will you grab my box, please?" He stared into the blue eyes with plead.

Lance nodded confused slowly walking out the room.

"You have a lot of nerve telling these people, you want me to kill these faggots?" Dave spoke through grinding teeth. Keith mumbled quietly, "I haven't told them anything. Please, Don't hurt them."

"Bullshit, look at how your dressed you clearly showing off the marks." He growled back. Keith glanced down at his short sleeve and black jeans. Just scars laced his arm. "I didn't tell them." Keith repeated stronger this time.

"Yeah, even if you didn't, we're going to have a 'discussion' later."

Lance entered the room with a look that Keith knew to well, he gently took the box from him. "Thank you... Um, Tell everyone, goodbye for me, sorry I can't stay for dinner."

Lance stared for a long time, his eyes reading over the boys features. He looked scared. He looked ready to puke, he looked like the smile was painted on. "You sure?" Lance mumbled lightly grazing his hand holding the box, Keith nodded swallowing a hiccup of tears.

"Let's go.. Mom is waiting." Dave spoke salty and gripped Keith's shoulder dragging him out the door, Lance spoke fast as he followed, "I'll see you at school!"

He latched onto Keith's hand for a spilt second before he was yanked away.

The door slammed in his face as he watched through the window, Keith followed the man with his head down he could almost see his lips trembling.

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