Twenty eight

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Keith stared at his new found family, his new parents? Yeah, Shiro and Allura fit that role. his new little sister Pidge. His big brother Hunk.

But Lance, yeah he's family; but not In a sibling way. Sure, they argued like brothers, they were close like brothers. They... Laughed like brothers?

But that's not at all how Keith felt, he sighed after a while. He didn't understand if the crush he formed in his mind was real.

Could it be? 

Did Lance care? 

Could he love someone like me?

What if he doesn't.

What if he loves someone better.

What if-

Keith couldn't take his mind anymore blurting out in front of everyone, "I NEED...AH...AIR!" he took off, not knowing what he was doing he ran out the front door.

"KEITH!" Lance yelled following after, everyone else stared confused and concerned. Shiro went to run after till Allura raised her hand.

"He needs Lance. Let him find what he needs to know. Therapist states let him come to us when he's ready"


Keith ran to the old farm entrance, his breathe gone as he collapsed from pain and wheezing, he didn't know where else to go.

"Keith?!" George caught glimpse of him running, he ran up to him, in overalls and knee high boots. he grabbed his face wiping the hair from his eyes.

"Child! Breathe?!" George picked him up rushing inside the old cool barn, he wrapped Keith in wet towel for the horses and ran to get bottled water.

Keith chugger the water and gasped out choking on air. He pulled at his hair. "Its okay now... Deep breath." George spoke calmly. After a few moments Keith slowly grew to a lesser dying whale noises to dying down screeching tires, "can you tell me what's wrong?"

Keith look up, " don't know I feel...I dont know what I feel..."

George stared for a bit then simply asked, "Do you love him?" Keith's eyes grew unbelievably, "I think I.... Do."

George stared with soft eyes, "Have you ever felt love? It's a hard thing to process... I acted the same way when I fell for that beautiful woman." He gestured to the photo of their wedding day on the wall.

"Its hard to understand but following your heart.. Is the greatest thing you can do."

Keith nodded, "Do you think he... Loves me back?"

George smiled, "just tell him, Te Amo..It means I love you.. He'll understand."

"KEITH!?" Lance busted through the door running to his side in seconds. "Are you okay? Are you hurt!? Oh my God Papa! is he okay?!"

George cleared his throat, "Sometimes things happen for a reason, you can't fight the outcome...You know, Keith."

Lance stared confused watching his father leave, before he could process anything Keith latched on to him. Arms wrapping around his torso and his face smushed in Lance's neck.

"... Keith?" Lance questioned nervously.






"Te Amo, Lance McClain."

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