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The four bodies are laid in a row in the Workshop, beneath the trap door in the ceiling

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The four bodies are laid in a row in the Workshop, beneath the trap door in the ceiling. The sky was dark, but the moon was bright, it's light shining down on them.
Tooth bites her lip tightly, looking anywhere but at them.
Sandy was the opposite - he couldn't take his eyes off of them, his eyes full of guilt.
Bunny was leaning against a wall, watching the other three silently with a hard expression.
"How long did the book say we had to wait?" North asks uncertainly, running a hand scored his beard.
"Till midnight. When Mani's powers are at their strongest," Bunny answers, glancing briefly up at the moon.
"Alright. I will check up on my yetis," North had hated watching two of the mortals die, and wants a distraction. When no one replies no, he walks from the main room, heading to the balconies near his office where the Yetis liked to work when he was busy.
What he was expecting was a bunch of overly furry creatures maybe working, maybe grumbling between themselves and putting off work.
What he wasn't was every single one of them to be frozen over in ice, stuck in a single position like time had stopped.
"Jack?" North calls, furrowing his eyebrows and glancing around, not entirely sure whether or not he was hoping for an answer.
He could feel the emptiness of the room, though. There was no one there.
It was a warning.
North sighs softly, looking around at his frozen friends.
Only one person could have done this, and that was Jack Frost.
He frowns thoughtfully, remembering the shadow of warning Mani had showed them.
Or maybe it was Pitch Black with Jack's staff? He might have figured out a way to harness his power.
Either way, he hurries back down to the others, his usually warm red cheeks now pale. "My yetis are covered in ice."
Just as he finishes speaking, the girl with platinum-white hair's wound begins to heal rapidly.
North hesitates and looks at the other three.
"Don't worry. We'll sort them out when they've woken," Tooth comforts him with a small smile.
North nods a little, looking back to the girl he had killed only hours ago.

At first, all Elsa feels is pain and fear

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At first, all Elsa feels is pain and fear. Darkness surrounds her.
What happened?
The last thing she could remember was seeing the shock in Rapunzel's eyes.
Did I just die?
Then she hears a voice, only it isn't a voice but a thought of her own. It seems to chase the darkness away, replacing it with a soothing, white light.
Your name is Elsa Winter.
Her eyes flicker open, and she looks around. To her surprise, standing above her were four legends. Not legends as in legendary heroes, but legends as in stories. Fake. Not real.
Father Christmas. The Tooth Fairy. Sandman. The Easter Bunny.
"What on earth?" Elsa stumbles to her feet, glancing around in confusion.
She hears another thought.
My apologies, dear Elsa. This may seem confusing, but please be patient and listen.
The Guardians are frozen in place, as if time had stopped for everyone but her. For some reason, her instincts cause her to look upwards at the moon, shining through a trapdoor.
The four that you know to be only stories are what are called the Guardians. They protect the children of the world. There is another, Jack Frost, but their enemy has kidnapped him. They cannot fight him alone.
I have chosen you, and three others to help them.
She glances briefly at the floor, seeing Rapunzel, a red haired girl and a brown haired boy laying at her feet, before back towards the moon.
You have been granted the powers and titles of the seasons. Usually I would give you all time to adjust to your powers, to learn how to use them. However, time is the one thing we are running low on.
You must learn to work together with the others, else Pitch Black may take over the entire world.
Good luck.
The four Guardians unfreeze around her. She looks around at them thoughtfully, looking away from the moon.
"We have a lot to explain," The girl covered in feathers she presumed was the tooth fairy says, smiling a little weakly.
"No, you don't," Elsa looks up at the moon again. "I am the physical embodiment of the season of Winter, and you guys killed me so I can help you defeat Pitch Black."
The sandman smiles and glances at the others. Elsa notices he says nothing, except creates a moon symbol made of sand above his head.
North raises his eyebrows slightly in surprise.
One by one, the other three rise.
Rapunzel found she held the powers of Spring.
The brown haired boy, apparently named Hiccup, held the powers of Summer. For some reason, he had a dragon.
The red haired girl, Merida, held the powers of Autumn.
"There's one more thing," Tooth says softly, looking at the four of them.
Rapunzel seems like she's in a daze, supposedly having forgiven the Guardians for stabbing Elsa and herself.
"I am the guardian of memories. If you'd like, I can erase you from your loved ones minds. Then they wouldn't have to suffer because of your deaths," Tooth looks between them.
Elsa hesitates. She hadn't thought of how this might affect Anna - she would be devastated. Probably blame herself for never getting to know her.
"Won't we be able to visit them though?" Hiccup asks skeptically, his hand between Toothless' ears, as if he were silently glad he was there too.
"You can visit them," Bunny looks at him, his nose twitching a little. "But they won't be able to see you."
"Who will be able to see us?" Rapunzel pipes in, biting her lip a little.
"If your powers work anything like ours, nobody at first, other than others like us, but when children start believing, they will see you," North answers thoughtfully. "And your powers will get stronger with them."
"Others like us?" Merida chimes in. Elsa notices her heavily Scottish accent.
"Ever heard of the leprechaun, or Mother Nature?" Tooth is patient with their questions, but Bunny has started tapping his foot against the ground. "They're just examples."
"Can you please erase me from my family?" Elsa says softly, ducking her head.
"You don't have to choose yet, child," Tooth murmurs gently, flying closer and gently taking her hands, her purple eyes meeting Elsa's ice blue ones.
"I'm sure," Elsa answers, looking back at her.
Tooth nods a little and releases her hands, glancing at the other three thoughtfully.
"And me," Rapunzel steps forward.
Hiccup stares at a wall, his forehead creased slightly, deep in thought.
Merida swallows a little, "I don't want to be forgotten. Is that selfish?"
Tooth shakes her head a little kindly, "of course it isn't."
They automatically turn their heads to look at Hiccup, still staring at a wall. He glances over at them when he realises he is the only one to not speak. "I'm not sure," he speaks honestly. "I don't want to hurt them, but... a Viking is usually celebrated when they die. Dad would want me to be remembered."
Tooth looks at him, "Is that your decision?" She asks gently. "What your father would like."
Hiccup nods a little.
"Okay then," Tooth smiles warmly to him and steps back, nodding to the other three.
North lays his hands in his pockets and sighs, "can we sort out my yeti's n-"
He's cut off when Bunny's expression falls and taps his foot without a word, creating a tunnel and jumping into it.
"Bunny!" Tooth gasps softly, watching him go and looking at the others. "That can't be good."
North sighs a little, "Alright. Fine. Tooth and I will go and see what's up. Sandy, stay with these four."
Sandy nods a little, frowning.
Elsa watches silently as North and Tooth jump into the rabbit hole, before it closes up, leaving a small, blossoming flower in its place.

Bunnymund leaps speedily through his tunnel, his tall ears twitching a little every so often

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Bunnymund leaps speedily through his tunnel, his tall ears twitching a little every so often. They helped him hear remarkably. He could hear the slight grunt of the larger man sliding behind him, and the faint fluttering of wings following. A dark chill runs across his fur as he came closer to the Warren. Easter wasn't for a few months. That's the thought racing through his mind in an almost soothing way. That, and the possibility of getting there before Pitch was done.
He leaps from the hole, sniffing around. Nothing seemed too irregular - little painted eggs running beneath his feet, the egg-shaped stone statues kept a neutral expression on, and nothing seemed damaged. But something was wrong. He could feel it.
North stumbles to his feet behind him, panting. He'd always hated the tunnels, just as Bunny hated the sleigh. But he couldn't show it, because that would mean Bunny was right about using each other's transports, and Bunny wouldn't ever use the sleigh with them again. He stands up straight and looks around. Tooth looks around thoughtfully, "Bunny. What's wrong?" She didn't seem to catch onto that off-feeling.
North did. "Something. I feel it.. in my-"
"Belly. We get it," Bunny comments quickly, looking around still. He starts walking in the direction of the greenery that produced his beautiful chocolate goodies, scanning the area still.
The other two follow, exchanging uncertain glances.
"Maybe it's nothing," North comments skeptically after a while, looking around.
Then a spear of darkness pierces through the air towards Bunnymund. He leaps out of the way, his hands... or rather, paws... quickly go to his belt, snatching his boomerangs from it. North grabs his swords.
A dark laugh echoes around the hollow, and from the shadows, a slender immortal appears, the embers of his eyes lit.
"Pitch," Bunny said coldly, aiming. "What do you want?"
Pitch just smirks and vanishes again, causing the three to turn rapidly in search for his next location. They needn't look long, as he appears in front of them, black sand surrounding him, forming a barrier.
Bunnys eyes dart to him and the boomerang flies from his hand, zooming to the back wall and then back towards the back of the dark figure's head.
With a clatter, it falls to the floor. Pitch had reacted too fast for even their eyes to see, well at least, the darkness around him had. Bunny grits his teeth noticing the boomerang smashed into two.
Tooth was in the background, frowning a little to herself. "Where's Jack?!"
A smirk flickers across his face, "That boy is mine now. He was too immature before to see how powerful he could be. I... helped him to see."
"What did you do?" Tooth manages, her glare strong. Even North, usually the chilled out guy, had his fist clenched.
"You should be more concerned with what I am doing," he smirks, before stepping back into the shadows and disappearing completely.
The three are left stunned, standing there hesitantly as they all thought. Then Tooth's violet eyes widen and she looks to the others. "It's a distraction."

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